Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano On 3 January 2024

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano

Transcript Of Statement To Meeting Of Medical Doctors For COVID Ethics International And To The World

Charles Kovess: All right Your Grace over to you now. We would be delighted to hear your views of what’s happening in the church, and we’re recording this and the people who see this they will get the benefit of your wisdom on what is happening.

Over to you.

Archbishop Vigano: Yes, thank you for giving me this opportunity to address you on this occasion.
And I share with you some matters regarding the present situation in the world and in the church.

For the past four years, we have been witnessing the implementation of a criminal plan of word depopulation, achieved through the creation of a false pandemic and imposition of her false vaccine, which you now know to be a biological weapon of mass destruction, designed with the aim of destroying the immune system of the entire population, causing sterility and the onset of deadly diseases.

Many of our friends and acquaintances have died or been severely damaged by the adverse effects of these experimental gene serums.

Many have discovered too late that they have been the victims of a global plan with a single script and a single direction.

What is even more serious is that this new Malthusian project of mass extermination, to which is added the will to control each of us through graphene oxide nano structures, has been announced to us for some time by those in the World Health Organization and the World Economic Forum who conceived and implemented it.

The rulers of the western states, hostage to Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab, have become accomplices to this crime, demonstrating their malice and premeditation by their behaviour of falsifying data on alleged infection, doctoring statistical data to attribute death and adverse effects to covid-19 but not to the gene serums, prohibiting effective treatments and imposing harmful protocols that have no scientific basis, banning autopsies and preventing accurate reports to authorities.

In this attack, unprecedented in the history of the human race, we have witnessed the complicity of all national and International institutions, the entire medical profession, and the media.

A social engineering operation has been carried out to manipulate consensus through terror threats, blackmail, and the violation of citizens’ most sacrosanct fundamental rights.

The Judiciary has been silent.

The armed forces have looked the other way.

The teachers and priests have zealously cooperated.

We are well aware of the perpetrators of this crime against God and Humanity.

Of course, the multinational pharmaceutical corporations have profited disproportionately from mass vaccination and they are now prepared to accumulate still more billions of dollars from the need for treatments against the turbo cancers that their serums have caused.

Those who peddle the vaccine and profited from administering this poison to pregnant women children and elderly, have funded the self-styled experts, paying them to propagandize false efficacy and safety through the mainstream media.

Multinationals have profited and due to the lockdowns they have taken the place of small businesses, restaurants and local shops.

Energy suppliers have profited and are still profiting out of the crisis created by the system.

They have made huge profits by the costs of electricity and gas that are forcing businesses to increase prices and close.

Those who took advantage of the restrictions to work from home, those who sold mask that were not only useless but actually harmful, those who provided plexiglass barriers and hand sanitizers, and those who manage the measurement of fever in public places also took their cut of profit.

Many of them who understood perfectly well what was happening preferred to remain silent so as not to miss the opportunity to make money off the lives and health of the rest of us.

But it’s not just money that is the motive for this crime.

Behind the motivation of many is the will to power of the subversive Davos elite, which aims to establish the New World Order.

The psycho pandemic has been a dress reaction for the attack they are now making against the economy, the social fabric and indeed the very life of humanity.

15-minute cities, digital identity, returning money and the destruction of agriculture and ranching all serve the same purpose stated in the agenda 2030 and the Rockefeller foundation’s great reset project.

The wars in Ukraine and Palestine have also the same purpose, to destabilise the international order, create permanent crisis, and fuel conflict that will impoverish individual Nations and feed the globalist Leviathan.

Gaza’s oil fields are tempting targets for those who want to appropriate them in order to keep Europe and United States under blackmail, especially when the same people are imposing insane energy policies in the name of a fake climate emergency.

Today the perpetrators of these crimes have a name and a face, their accomplices in governmental institutions are guilty of high treason and very serious crimes.
All come from the World Economic Forum and were students of his program called Young Global Leaders for Tomorrow.

Others like George Soros supported them by means of philanthropic foundations that fuel social strife, Civil War and colour revolutions around the world.

This Global coup d’état must be denounced and those responsible must be tried and judged by an international Court.

But above all it is necessary for all of us to understand that this all-out war against humanity is not motivated only by their lust for wealth and power but mainly by a religious motive, a theological reason.

This reason is Satan’s hatred: hatred of God, hatred of God’s creation and hatred of man who is created in the image and likeness of God.

Bill Gates Klaus Schwab, George Soros and their hundreds of servants whom they blackmail in government all hate God, and they hate life, which only God can give.

They hate love which comes only from God.

They hate peace, which can reign only where Christ reigns.

As Tucker Carson said a few days ago, we are facing people who serve Satan and the Demons of hell.

Just as the normal people worship and serve God.
This is a battle in which body and soul, matter and spirit, are made the objects of mortal attack by men and spiritual powers.

But let us not forget that if our enemy avails himself of the help of infernal Spirits we have on our side the Lord God of all armies arrayed, Dominus Deus about and all the hosts of angels and Saints infinitely more powerful.

God is Almighty.

Let us never forget that.

He is father. He does not abandon his children in time of crime.

And therefore, I exhort you dear friends to fight this battle with the spiritual weapons that God places at your disposal: prayer, trust in the Lord and the awareness that this enemy will not be defeated where it is most organized and fearsome but by striking it where it is weak.

This weakness comes from his corruption, from his being subservient to evil from the (toll) of all sins that it has committed and still commits: sins against God’s little children.

Because the men and women who in these four years have submitted to enduring lockdowns, violation of their rights, job deprivation. and social segregation are not willing to tolerate the crimes that this cursed network of perverts and paedophiles commits against children.

Therefore, bring to light and courageously denounce the network of complicity and crimes of politicians, bankers, actors, journalists, prelates and famous people who are united by their blood pact.

And the whole castle of lies and deceptions that they have hatched will collapse, dragging with it the entire Globalist plan, woke ideology, gender theory, the fake climate emergency and fraud and digital currency.

“Simul staben, simul caden” says the Latin maxim: “just as they stand together, so also they will collapse together”.

Stay strong therefore under the banner of Christ and in the army of God, who is Almighty and who won the cross, has already won the world that is now entering in his final stages.

Gather around the Lord, call His holy name and this will give impetus to your battle.

Remember the words of Saint Paul: “I can do all things through him who strengthens me”.

May God bless you all.

Charles Kovess: Thank you. Thank you, Your grace. That is that is most powerful important and thank you so much for sharing.

Stephen. Please say hello to the Archbishop and we got started because we had him at the start.

Stephen Frost: So Archbishop Vigano I’m so grateful to you for actually seeing my email. I thought you hadn’t seen it. But you had and thank you for coming on and standing with us and speaking to us today. That’s so nice of you.

Archbishop Vigano: Thank you. I will, just had that but I mentioned that several times in my intervention that also the church and in particular the Holy See had been infiltrated in this battle from the side of Satan.

This is the situation for that we need now to to for ourselves this and use this weapon spiritual weapons that I mentioned in my address. May God bless you.

Stephen Frost: Thank you.

We Were Lied To

Bob Moran writes on Twitter:

There’s a very worrying and ignorant narrative trying to take hold regarding the injections. Many late-to-the-party critics of the jabs completely fail to acknowledge a fundamental truth. Because it exposes how morally reprehensible all of them are.
To their core.

Their position is that IF everything we had been told about these injections being necessary, safe and effective had been true, the situation would have been fine and their promotion of them would have been acceptable.

Only in hindsight, with revelations about how ineffective and dangerous these drugs are, do they have anything to apologise for. And only with the benefit of that knowledge should any attempt be made to stop them.
This is complete nonsense.

Let’s ignore the fact that it was BLINDINGLY obvious that these products were unnecessary, ineffective and dangerous from about January 2021 onwards. Let’s also assume that everything the manufacturers and advisory committees claimed about them had been true: They were absolutely essential to address a genuine emergency, they were as safe as could reasonably be expected, and they worked as advertised.

Absolutely none of those things would have excused anybody promoting or supporting the rollout of these drugs.

Here’s why: In 2020, governments all over The West had taken the barbaric and illegal decision to remove basic rights and freedoms from their citizens, in the name of public health policies. The implementation of these policies was understood, from the outset, by those who enacted them, to kill hundreds of thousands of people.

If they didn’t kill you, they were likely to make you poorer, devastate your mental health, destroy your business, deny you access to health care and more besides. Nobody, anywhere, was unaffected by lockdowns.

These injections were presented to the population as a CONDITION for these tyrannical, murderous, completely unnecessary restrictions on freedom being lifted. For some people, it was implied that they could lose their ability to earn a living, travel abroad, receive medical treatment or participate in free society, if they refused to take the jabs.

You cannot, ever, offer a permanent medical procedure to people under these conditions. No matter how safe or effective said procedure might be and no matter how severe the illness it is supposed to address.

The only way in which this would have been approaching ethical acceptability (again, assuming the drugs were not, in fact, designed solely to cause injury and death) is if all restrictions on freedom had been lifted prior to anyone getting a shot and absolutely no link had been established between the uptake of the drug and the future implementation of lockdown policies.

As a doctor, or politician, or broadcaster, your ONLY obligation was to state unequivocally that nobody could be offered these procedures under such coercive conditions because it totally violated fundamental medical ethics. You didn’t need to see any studies or graphs or models. You didn’t need to trawl through all the trial literature, underlining stuff with your stupid red biro. You just needed to say, “No. Not like this.”

Failure to take that position demonstrated a completely unacceptable disregard for the moral principles that should govern our approach to healthcare and the role of medical professionals and government.

Believing all the obvious lies you were told about these drugs at the beginning was not, and is not, an excuse for your endorsement of their roll out. There WAS no excuse for this.

If we fail to understand this truth, we set a very dangerous precedent for what could happen in the future. We also allow certain figures to maintain positions of authority and leadership who have demonstrated an astonishing lack of moral understanding, not to mention common sense.

You were wrong. And you weren’t wrong because you were lied to.

You were wrong because you’re incredibly bad people whose opinions and advice on all matters should now be regarded as irrelevant trash.

(Tom: While I agree wholeheartedly that their actions were 100 percent wrong, I don’t believe we should label them as bad people. People not to be trusted, people who need to be removed from their positions, people who need to be educated on human rights and corrected, but not bad.)

A summary of the evidence against the COVID vaccines

Here’s a quick summary of the key pieces of evidence that taken together show that the COVID vaccines are unsafe and that the medical community should not be trusted.


A summary of the evidence against the COVID vaccines
Here’s a quick summary of the key pieces of evidence that taken together show that the COVID vaccines are unsafe and that the medical community should not be trusted.

Steve Kirsch
Jan 7

What is evidence-based practice?

Here is a short list of reasons that everyone should be concerned about the COVID vaccine. This is not an exhaustive list.

  1. Doctors are told to trust the FDA and CDC, but not verify, when prescribing vaccines. All the post-marketing safety data is kept hidden by health authorities so not even doctors can look at the data themselves to find out if any vaccine is safe. Doctors have to trust the authorities. They are essentially told: “trust, do not verify.”Zero Trust “Don’t trust any, but verify, every time all the time.”

2. The CDC itself doesn’t have the data to make a post-marketing independent vaccine safety assessment and they are not interested in obtaining the data either! The CDC relies on the FDA who relies on the manufacturer to test the product. The CDC could ask states for vaccination records tied to death records, but they don’t want to even ask because if they did an analysis, it could be discovered in a FOIA request. The CDC basically has no interest whatsoever in verifying what the actual safety data is.

3. Lack of transparency by health authorities. Not a single health authority anywhere in the world has ever released anonymized record-level patient data for independent researchers to assess the safety of any vaccine. There isn’t any paper in a peer-reviewed journal showing that health outcomes are improved if public health data is kept secret.

4. Lack of interest in data transparency by the medical community. Can you name a single high-profile pro-vaccine member of the medical community who has called for data transparency of public health data? Time-series cohort analyses can be easily produced by health authorities and published for everyone to see. These would show safety signals and do not jeopardize patient privacy. These are all kept hidden.

5. We aren’t allowed to see even the simplest of charts. Wouldn’t it be great to define two cohorts on July 1, 2021: COVID vaccinated vs. COVID unvaccinated. Then you simply record the deaths from that point forward and plot them. Why isn’t this being published?

6. Misinformation is deemed to be a problem, but the people making these statements are unwilling to take any steps to stop the so-called misinformation. These steps include: open public discussion to resolve differences of opinion and making public health data available/public in a way that preserves privacy. For example, HHS (as well as every state health department) should welcome all of us with open arms and invite us to query their databases (such as VSD and Medicare in the case of HHS) and publish whatever we find. Why does this information need to be hidden? The numbers tell the story, not the individual records.

7. No response from health authorities to reasonable requests. I’ve sent emails to Sarah Caul of the UK ONS on four ways the ONS can increase data transparency. There was no response.

8. No response when asked to explain damaging evidence. When credible scientists receive government data that shows very troubling safety signals, there is a total unwillingness of any health authority to discuss the matter and resolve it.

9. The US Medicare data clearly shows mortality increases after people take the jab. Is there any epidemiologist who can explain why deaths rose during a period in time when they should have been falling (per the Medicare death data)?

For the first 120 days after the shots given in March 2021, death rates overall were falling. But if you got the vaccine, your death rates went up. We know from data from other vaccines that the baseline death rate of 81-year olds in Medicare is 3.85%, so the baseline death rate of this group is <800 deaths a day. These deaths climb far above baseline after you took the COVID shot.

10. The patient-level data released from NZ data confirms that mortality increases after the shots are given despite the fact that most of the shots were given during time periods when deaths were falling

NZ data: Doses 2 and 4 were given while background mortality was falling, dose 3 while rising. So we’d expect the slope to fall in the first 6 months after vaccination. It does the opposite.

11. Anecdotes such as the one from Jay Bonnar who lost 15 of his DIRECT friends unexpectedly since the shots rolled out. Four of the 15 died on the same day as that vaccine was given. Before the shots rolled out, Jay had lost only one friend unexpectedly. The probability this happened by chance is given by poisson.sf(14, .25) which is 5.6e-22. So this can’t happen by chance. SOMETHING killed Jay’s friends and 4 of the 15 died on the same day as they were vaccinated. Is there a more plausible explanation for what killed Jay’s friends? All of them who died were vaccinated with the COVID vaccines.

12. Well done studies like the one done by Denis Rancourt showing 1 death per 800 shots on average. Jay Bonnar estimates he has around 14,000 friends so Jay’s numbers are consistent with Rancourt’s results.

13. Survey data like Skidmore and Rasmussen Reports showing that hundreds of thousands of Americans have been killed by the COVID shots. There have never been any counter surveys published showing this not to be the case.

14. The lack of any success stories. It appears that “vaccine success stories” where COVID infection fatality ratios dropped or that myocarditis cases plummeted do not exist. The US Nursing home data shows that the infection fatality rate (IFR) increased after the vaccine rolled out. There is nobody using that data making the claim it reduced the IFR.

15. Anecdotes from healthcare are extremely troubling. One nurse reported a hospital admission rate that was 3X higher than anything in the 33-year history of the hospital after the COVID vaccines rolled out. Symptoms rarely ever seen were common after vaccines rolled out in that age group.

16. Lack of autopsies in clinical trials and post-marketing. The CDC doesn’t request anyone to do autopsies even for people who die on the same day as they got the vaccine. Don’t they want to know what killed those people… just to be sure?

17. Young people dying in sleep. There are way too many cases of young people who die in their sleep after being vaccinated. Doctors say this is a rare event. Now it is much more common. If the shots are safe, why is this happening?

18. I have direct personal experience with the vaccine: two people I know were killed by the vaccine, none from COVID. I know many people who are vaccine injured from the COVID vaccine.

19. Ed Dowd’s book statistics. This very popular book (“Cause Unknown”) listed 500 who died unexpectedly. Ed didn’t know how many were unvaccinated. Only one person has come forward saying that one of the people in the book who died after the vaccines rolled out was unvaccinated.

20. Prominent doctor/scientists switching sides. Paul Marik is one of the top intensivists in the world. After seeing many COVID vaccine injured patients, he changed his mind about the safety of vaccines. When he was not allowed to practice medicine consistent with his Hippocratic Oath, he resigned his position.

21. The corruption with COVID protocols. The COVID hospital protocols likely caused 90% of the COVID deaths in hospitals. This led to Paul Marik resigning. See details in this article. Why are doctors forced to use hospital protocols that kill a huge percentage of patients instead of using their best judgment to save patients?

22. This JAMA paper shows that COVID and influenza vaccines don’t work. Why are we pushing a vaccine where the statistics clearly show the vaccines don’t work?

23. The consistency of the data. There have been no counter-anecdotes showing the vaccines are safe. I keep looking for one and come up empty.

24. No debates with anyone prominent promoting the government narrative. Those who promote the narrative refuse to engage in any scientific discussions to resolve differences of opinion. This is similar to the question of whether vaccines cause autism: nobody who thinks it doesn’t is willing to engage in a public discussion about it to discuss the evidence. Why not resolve the issue through dialog? It isn’t resolved in the peer-review literature where half the papers say vaccines cause autism and the other half don’t. Why can’t we talk about it?

25. Fear and intimidation tactics are used to silence dissent. Open debate would be more productive. But people are not allowed to hold or discuss views that go against the “consensus” or they will lose their jobs, their certifications, or their medical licenses. Health care workers are told they will be fired if they report an adverse event to VAERS, there are nurses who won’t talk about anaphylaxis after getting the vaccine for fear of being fired, vaccine injuries are covered up, hospital workers are afraid to talk about it at work.

26. The cognitive dissonance is very disturbing. When healthcare workers bring up the topic of mortality and morbidity due to the vaccine, their peers say nothing and walk away.

27. Censorship tactics employed by the US government to silence dissent instead of public recorded open debates. History has shown that purveyors of censorship are always on the wrong side of the issue.

Covid-19 Royal Commission – Terms of Reference

The Australian People finally have an opportunity to get some answers and become co-signatories to a multi-organisational collaborative submission for the Senate Terms of Reference created for the Australian People. Please join with leading Australian academics, lawyers, scientists, and doctors by signing below.

Sign the Terms of Reference

Leaders and public health officials the world over chose to ignore the Great Barrington Declaration advising against Covid lockdown measures, only to observe its evidence-based predictions come to pass.

Australia’s major parties were no different and continue to remain silent about their refusal to follow our own pandemic planning, where they instead opted for lockdown measures that turned Australia back into a penal colony.

This has resulted in untold detriment to millions of Australians that was unneeded.

Why decades of science was ignored continues to remain largely unanswered.

In Australia there is a proposal for a Royal Commission into Covid-19, a court style tribunal of inquiry that could greatly assist the Australian public understand the reasons behind the denial of science when dealing with Covid in our country.

This Royal Commission requires even greater support than the Great Barrington Declaration received, if the truth is to see the light of day.

Australian and New Zealand lawyers Julian Gillespie, Peter Fam, and Katie Ashby-Koppens have been working with a group of Australian doctors and scientists for creating proposed Terms of Reference for the Royal Commission, to ensure the Commission is properly empowered and given clear instructions about what needs to be examined and investigated.

Answers from a Royal Commission created by the Australian People and not the public servants it is meant to investigate, is what is needed, and is what is long overdue.

Please visit the Terms of Reference created for the Australian People, review the Terms of Reference, and show your support by becoming a Co-Signatory, the deadline to sign by is the 12th of January 2024.

Sign the Terms of Reference

If you don’t sign-up to send Canberra the message with our numbers, they will do it all again.

Warm regards,

AMPS – Australian Medical Professionals’ Association
P: (07) 3497 5048 | |