Fluoride Is A Neurotoxin

Fluoride Is A Neurotoxin
The Lancet, the world’s oldest and most prestigious medical journal, recently published a report classifying Fluoride as a dangerous neurotoxin. The report puts Fluoride in the same category Arsenic, Lead, and Mercury.
We are literally being mass medicated with a dangerous chemical that disrupts the health of our brains, especially in children. Many of us have been saying this for a long time, but it is revelatory to see the the world’s top medical journal confirming it.
Read the report for yourself and share with everyone you know.
CNN have disclosed the same:
And Harvard have recently published a study proving that fluoride lowers IQ in children:
Is it now time to start making or buying natural, non fluoride toothpaste? Here are some recipes to choose from, however please research, as there are thousands of ways to achieve excellent oral hygiene, without the use of toxic chemicals.
http://naturalhealthwarriors.com/squeezable-homemade-toothpaste/ — with Matthew Morris.

Think A Happy Thought

…and do a good deed or make someone smile or alleviate somebody’s suffering or help a child (or adult) to read or take a person who is feeling down for a walk… …in short, if you help, both you and the other person feel better. This makes a calmer, happier and safer society for all. Look for opportunities to make a beneficial difference in people’s lives. It is truly a rewarding game.