Don't Steal My Money!

The CEC is calling on community leaders, former and current local, state and federal representatives, political candidates and party leaders, union leaders, academics, industry leaders, business leaders, and church leaders, who oppose the policy of bail-in and support a Glass-Steagall separation of banking, to endorse the following statement, which will be submitted to the Federal Government’s Financial System Inquiry.
Glass-Steagall for the Common Good!
In response to the call by the Financial Systems Inquiry (FSI) for a second round of submissions, we the undersigned submit the following statement:
The purpose of an economy is to serve the common good of all of the citizens taking part in it. That common good is a moral imperative, which ranks above the supposed rights of a “free market” to rule at the expense of the increasing impoverishment and unemployment of an ever-growing number of Australians. What is the purpose of a “financial system”, if not to serve that common good? Is it just, for instance, or moral that the speculation in derivatives by Australia’s banks led by the Big Four and Macquarie, now exceeds $24 trillion as against a GDP of only $1.6 trillion? We do not need more of the same financial deregulation which has helped cause the present crisis, both in Australia and worldwide, nor the “bail-in” of Australian depositors in order to bail-out that worthless $24 trillion.
Therefore, we as Australian citizens demand the following:
That there be no bail-in of depositors in order to “save the banks”.
That Australia must separate legitimate commercial banking functions from the speculative activities of “investment banks”, as did the Glass-Steagall law in the United States so successfully from 1933 until its repeal in 1999. Such commercial banks serving the interests of the average Australian should be backed by the government, but the speculative banks should be left on their own to sink or swim.
That to anchor such a system of private commercial banks, Australia must also establish a national bank typified by our old Commonwealth Bank, where our government directs credit into the real physical economy of agriculture, manufacturing, and infrastructure projects which provide for the common good, including employment opportunities for all.
In making this submission, we take note of the recent call by Pope Francis for a sweeping reform of the global financial system based upon the “primacy of the human person” rather than the “dictatorship of an impersonal economy lacking a truly human purpose”, and that “it is the responsibility of the state to safeguard and promote the common good of society”.
Whether one holds a professed religious outlook of any persuasion, or is simply a person of good will, those universal principles which emphasise the dignity, worth, and physical well-being of every single human being—in this case every single Australian—must be the basis upon which any financial system must be constructed.
Click here to endorse the statement.
Your name and position will be included with the statement when it is submitted to the FSI.

Her Last Phone Call

Her Last Phone CallThe Honda crotch rocket rider was travelling at approximately 85 mph.
The VW driver was talking on a cell phone when she pulled out from a side street, apparently not seeing the motorcycle. The rider’s reaction time was not sufficient enough to avoid this accident.
The car had two passengers and the bike rider was found INSIDE the car with them.
The Volkswagen actually flipped over from the force of impact and landed 20 feet from where the collision took place.
All three involved (two in the car and the bike rider) were killed instantly. This graphic demonstration was placed at the Motorcycle Fair by the Police and Road Safety Department..
Pass this on to car drivers or soon to be new drivers, or new motorcycle owners and especially everyone you know who has a MOBILE phone!!!
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Save a life. Stop talking on mobile phones and Texting while trying to drive.
The life you save may be your own….. Or mine…

Never Say Can't!

Some of the things I give myself a pat on the back for doing pale into insignificance compared to the monumental contributions of others, like Mr and Mrs Bricker! Just look at this video to see the inspirational contribution they have made to create an absolutely remarkable young lady.
(Wet eye warning.)

Flintstones Vitamins Warning

Received this and thought it worth sharing…
Just in case you know of any children using these I would suggest that you make this viral so that the parents can be notified.
Also check to see what it’s equivalent is being called in your country.
The question is what else could be in Bayer’s. It admins when they warn you of its dangers on their own website!!
Read on…………..
The #1 Children’s Vitamin Brand in the US contains ingredients that most parents would never intentionally expose their children to, so why aren’t more opting for healthier alternatives?
Kids vitamins are supposed to be healthy, right? Well then, what’s going on with Flintstones Vitamins, which proudly claims to be “Pediatricians’ #1 Choice”? Produced by the global pharmaceuticalcorporation Bayer, this wildly success brand features a shocking list of unhealthy ingredients, including:
Cupric Oxide
Coal tar artificial coloring agents (FD&C Blue #2, Red #40, Yellow #6)
Zinc Oxide
Ferrous Fumarate
Hydrogenated Oil (Soybean)
GMO Corn starch
On Bayer Health Science’s Flintstones product page designed for health care professionals they lead into the product description with the following tidbit of information:
82% of kids aren’t eating all of their veggies1. Without enough vegetables, kids may not be getting all of the nutrients they need.
References: 1. Lorson BA, Melgar-Quinonez HR, Taylor CA. Correlates of fruit and vegetable intakes in US children. J Am Diet Assoc. 2009;109(3):474-478.
The implication? That Flintstones vitamins somehow fill this nutritional void. But let’s look a little closer at some of these presumably healthy ingredients….
Aspartame is a synthetic combination of the amino acids aspartic acid and l-phenylalanine, and is known to convert into highly toxic methanol and formaldehyde in the body. Aspartame has been linked to over 40 adverse health effects in the biomedical literature, and has been shown to exhibit both neurotoxicity and carcinogenicity [1] What business does a chemical like this have doing in a children’s vitamin, especially when non-toxic, non-synthetic non-nutritive sweeteners like stevia already exist?
Next, let’s look closer at Cupric Oxide, 2mg of which is included in each serving of Flinstone’s Complete chewable vitamins as a presumably ‘nutritional’ source of ‘copper,’ supplying “100% of the Daily Value (Ages 4+), according to Flintstones Vitamins Web site’s Nutritional Info.[2]
But what is Cupric Oxide? A nutrient or a chemical?
According to the European Union’s Dangerous Substance Directive, one of the main EU laws concerning chemical safety, Cupric Oxide is listed as a Hazardous substance, classified as both “Harmful (XN)” and “Dangerous for the environment” (N). Consider that it has industrial applications as a pigment in ceramics, and as a chemical in the production of rayon fabric and dry cell batteries. In may be technically correct to call it a mineral, but should it be listed as a nutrient in a children’s vitamin? We think not.
A well-known side effect of using synthetic dyes is attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. For direct access to study abstracts on this topic view our Food Coloring research page. There is also indication that the neurotoxicity of artificial food coloring agents increase when combined with aspartame,[3] making the combination of ingredients in Flintstones even more concerning.
Each serving of Flinstones Complete Chewable vitamins contain 12 mg of zinc oxide, which the manufacturer claims delivers 75% of the Daily Value to children 2 & 3 years of age. Widely used as a sun protection factor (SPF) in sunscreens, The EU’s Dangerous Substance Directive classifies it as an environmental Hazard, “Dangerous for the environment (N).” How it can be dangerous to theenvironment, but not for humans ingesting it, escapes me. One thing is for sure, if one is to ingest supplemental zinc, or market it for use by children, it makes much more sense using a form that is organically bound (i.e. ‘chelated’) to an amino acid like glycine, as it will be more bioavailable and less toxic.
Sorbitol is a synthetic sugar substitute which is classified as a sugar alcohol. It can be argued that it has no place in the human diet, much less in a child’s. The ingestion of higher amounts have been linked to gastrointestinal disturbances from abdominal pain to more serious conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome.[4]
The one clear warning on the Flinstone’s Web site concerns this chemical. While it is impossible to die from consuming iron from food, e.g. spinach, ferrous fumarate is an industrial mineral and not found in nature as food. In fact, ferrous fumarate is so toxic that accidental overdose of products containing this form is “a leading cause of fatal poisoning in children under 6.” The manufacturer further warns:
Keep this product out of reach of children. In case of accidental overdose, call a doctor or poison control center immediately.
Finding hydrogenated oil in anything marketed to children is absolutely unacceptable. These semi-synthetic fatty acids incorporate into our tissues and have been linked to over a dozen adverse health effects, from coronary artery disease to cancer, violent behavior to fatty liver disease.[5]
While it can be argued that the amount of GMO corn starch in this product is negligible, even irrelevant, we disagree. It is important to hold accountable brands that refuse to label their products honestly, especially when they contain ingredients that have been produced through genetic modification. The ‘vitamin C’ listed as ascorbic acid in Flintstones is likely also produced from GMO corn. Let’s remember that Bayer’s Ag-biotech division, Bayer CropScience, poured $381,600 of cash into defeating the proposition 37 GMO labeling bill in California. Parents have a right to protect their children against the well-known dangers of genetically modified foods and the agrichemicals that contaminate them, don’t they? GMO corn starch is GMO, plain and simple. We’d appreciate it if Bayer would label their “vitamins” accordingly.
In summary, Bayer’s Flintstone’s vitamin brand is far from a natural product, and the consumer should be aware of the unintended, adverse health effects that may occur as a result of using it.
[1], Adverse Health Effects of Aspartame
[2], FLINSTONES Complete Chewable, Nutritional Info Overview
[3] Karen Lau, W Graham McLean, Dominic P Williams, C Vyvyan Howard. Synergistic interactions between commonly used food additives in a developmental neurotoxicity test. Toxicol Sci. 2006 Mar;90(1):178-87. Epub 2005 Dec 13. PMID: 16352620