An Australian Engineer Speaks Out – The Many Mysteries of Covid

Shining The Light On Questions

I remember when one or two of my friends were telling me sometime in 2021 about the origins of the pandemic and the hidden dangers of the vaccines. I didn’t take them too seriously, thinking that they had gone a tad too far down the conspiratorial road.

However, out of a mixture of curiosity and duty to myself, I decided to do some research – with the view that I’d be able to determine that they’d been victims of too much-sensationalised information.

Given that I used to head up the R&D division of a $700-million organisation, and that I’ve managed a wide variety of literally hundreds of corporate projects, I figured that it was a challenge that I could take on. Also, given that I have an engineering PhD that has helped me think critically, and that I’m very much a “show me the facts” type of guy, I figured that it wouldn’t be difficult to put any and all crazy conspiracies to bed.

After all, the prevailing message was very clear and consistent from our politicians, health advisors, expert government bodies, the MSM (Mainstream Media) and other experts which was:

“Covid is a pandemic”
“The vaccine is safe, developed in record time”
“We need to be locked down and vaxxed for our safety.”

It was a major, global event, but it all seemed pretty simple. Conspiracy – I don’t think so!

What I hadn’t realised back in August 2021 was that I had stumbled upon something that was so conspiratorial, widespread and ingenious in terms of its dark intents it subsequently left me day after day moving from a point of uneasiness to being increasingly disturbed as a result of what I was uncovering.

In the process of getting to the bottom of the whole Covid/Vax thing I waded through more than 700 papers, videos, opinion pieces and articles. I talked to numerous medical professionals like nurses, doctors and paramedics, and I waded through data, LOTS OF IT. Perhaps most crucially, I did deep dives at the data behind the data that was bombarding us daily as gospel – which took a lot of digging. In the process I realised that very little, in fact almost nothing of significance that we were officially being told by the government or the MSM was remotely true. And not everyone that I talked to had the same story, so that led to more digging to get to the truth.

10 Current Trends of Operation Coronavirus as of October 2021

COVID Trends October 21

The NWO agenda, amplified via the COVID plandemic, is being played out worldwide in a calculated and methodical fashion. These COVID trends plus the others I have highlighted from previous months show the scamdemic patterns. It is up to all of us to stay informed and aware of this advancing agenda. Although it may be disheartening to see the rate at which the agenda is being cemented in place, remember that the NWO is no match for an aware, determined group of people standing in their power and refusing to comply with tyranny.

10 Current Trends of Operation Coronavirus as of October 2021

Queensland Health confirms ‘adverse vaccination events’ aren’t being followed up – there are too many.

Adverse Events Too Many To Handle

If the goal were really about helping people to stay healthy then they would be well advised to follow the old adage, The first law of holes, or the law of holes, is an adage which states: “if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging”. Digging a hole makes it deeper and therefore harder to get out of, which is used as a metaphor that when in an untenable position, it is best to stop making the situation worse.

That they are in a hole, they know they are in a hole, they acknowledge that they are in a hole yet they continue to press steadfastly ahead with suppressing the non-vaccine solutions like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and vaccine mandates for adults and now want to introduce them for children (digging furiously deeper all the time) suggests they know what they are doing is destructive and that is their intention.

Heart Pains After Covid Jab

Just saw a post on Facebook requesting help. This was the comment: “I started taking L Arginine and Hawthorne extract and have been taking them everyday since and the pains have completely went away.”

As the commenter also wrote, “Do some research on Hawthorne extract for sure and L Arginine. Not giving medical advice, just suggesting doing some research.”

FDA Committee Rubber Stamps Pfizer’s Plan to Inject 28 Million Children 5 to 11-Years-Old

Dr Paul Offit Babies Can Receive 10,000 Vaccines At Once

Unsurprisingly, the FDA Advisory Committee today voted 17-0 to approve the experimental Pfizer COVID-19 injection for children ages 5 to 11. The panel was made up of industry insiders, including the infamous pediatrician, Paul Offit, who has stated that he believes an infant can easily be injected with 10,000 vaccines at one time. He is the pharma-controlled corporate media’s go-to “doctor” spokesperson when it comes to childhood vaccines.

Another doctor on the committee that was considering whether these shots were safe enough to give to young children stated: “We’re never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it, and that’s just the way it goes.”

The FDA collected comments from the public regarding whether or not the Pfizer shots should be recommended to be given to children age 5 through 11, and according to Steve Kirsch, the Executive Director of the Covid-19 Early Treatment Fund, they counted over 139,470 comments posted AGAINST giving authorization to the shots, and could only find ONE comment in favor of the shots.

The comments can be viewed here:

Dr. Jessica Rose’s excellent analysis of the VAERS data, which we have previously published here on Health Impact News, was also presented to the FDA Advisory Committee.

So the FDA Advisory Committee was not lacking real scientific data, but in the end Pfizer’s voice was the only one that mattered, because they have the ability to destroy the lives and careers of these FDA doctors who do not do what they are told. And now they are going to try to also destroy the lives of America’s children.

UCLA Publicly Shames Own Doctors and Nurses

UCLA Publicly Shames Own Doctors and Nurses

We are witnessing the total destruction of the U.S. medical system before our very eyes. Yesterday we reported that the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, had sent a memo to 8,000 of their employees who had not yet shown proof of vaccination for COVID-19 notifying them that they would be fired if they did not comply. Apparently, someone in a position of high authority at UCLA Medical Hospital in Los Angeles has sent a memo to supervisors instructing them to not only fire all personnel who have not taken a COVID-19 experimental shot, but to wait until they show up for work and are working with their patients, and then to physically escort them out of the hospital publicly shaming them, and treating them like criminals. We are talking about medical professionals who have spent their careers working for one of the most prestigious medical institutions in the world, who are now being treated like they are criminals for refusing to risk their lives for an experimental vaccine that neither stops transmission, nor reduces risk of death, but instead provides great risk of life-long injuries or death. UCLA could have privately contacted them and told them not to show up for work, or waited until their shift was over before taking away their badge and sending them home, or any other of numerous methods to treat these medical professionals with dignity for standing up for their values and beliefs, but instead they chose to make an example of them, and treat them like public criminals. The criminal pharmaceutical companies are now running the show with their billionaire Wall Street pedophiles, turning this country into one large satanic ritual to impose their beliefs and values on everyone else. This has nothing to do with “science,” and everything to do with a religious cult that they are working hard to enforce on every single person in this country.

Eugenics by Ira Katz


Two quite different personalities who are observers of the world scene that I follow are James Corbett of the and the populist lawyer Robert Barnes of

Barnes is involved in many lawsuits to counter vaccine mandates. In his public explanations he has noted Jacobson v. Massachusetts, the Supreme Court case enshrining forced vaccinations into American jurisprudence. It is the key precedent for Buck v. Bell that upheld forced sterilization for the “unfit.” Barnes has explicitly pointed to the eugenics decisions as the legal basis for the Covid mandates.

Corbett has produced detailed and perfectly sourced documentaries, including Why Big Oil Conquered the World (also see the related How Big Oil Conquered the World), that explain the history of the Eugenics movement. At 31:52 read the quote from Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr in his Buck v; Bell majority decision (8-1). Note the key connection to compulsory vaccination. During the height of the Covid scare Corbett released his must see documentary Who Is Bill Gates? See especially Part IV,( at 1:28:30) Meet Bill Gates in which the Gates family orthodoxy of eugenics is exposed.