Secure Australia

When foreign interests control our wealth creating assets, the benefits of those assets no longer stay in Australia. Our tax laws favour foreign owned interests. They pay only 10% withholding tax on declared profits, many of which are siphoned off shore. The decisions are made off shore, the profits go off shore, and this puts our jobs, skills and reinvestment at risk.
Many of the countries buying our land, do not even allow their own citizens to buy land, and yet we are proposing to allow control of these assets in competition with our owned. > How are we going to pay off our national debt if we do not control the assets which will feed us, and future generations.
>How can we take advantage of the Asian opportunities if we do not own and control the assets in our own country.
>Successive government have ignored the plight of our farmers and the decline of on farm income and their rising debt.
>They have ignored consequences of policies which have allowed the control of every major food commodity, except rice, beyond the farm gate to be controlled by foreign interests.
>They have signed free trade agreements with countries that do not meet our standards while our exports still bear tariffs.
TIME TO WAKE UP AUSTRALIA! – This is our country, these are our people and this is our future!
We are not saying no to foreign investment but we should retain controlling interest of 51% to ensure our majority control ownership and transparency of the transactions and the decisions that are made here. What we have currently is not investment, it is takeover and Australia will not benefit.
A country that cannot water itself, feed itself, secure its energy, transport and infrastructure, which ignores the skills of its own people and their knowledge of our land puts our future at risk. The new parliament should be representing our long term interests and get Australians and Australian assets working for Australia again.
Sign this petition to show your support and this will be forwarded to every politician in the Senate, lower and upper house in all parties and we urge you to get your friends and family to sign it as well.

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