Congenital Defects in Iraq

Congenital Defects
Before the invasion of Iraq just 2 per cent of babies were born with a congenital birth defect in Fallujah, Basra and other Iraqi cities.
Between 2007 and 2010 studies have found more than half of all babies were born with a defect. Just to repeat that, more than 50% of babies born in Iraqi cities have a congenital birth defect.
In addition, during that period 45% of pregnancies ended in miscarriages.
In young infants, the toxic metal lead was found to be at levels 5 times higher than normal and mercury was 6 times higher than normal. [1]
Lead, Mercury, Iron, Aluminum, Manganese, Strontium, Barium, Bismuth, Calcium, Magnesium and Uranium levels were unusually high in hair samples of parents with congenital anomalies. Uranium is genotoxic.
A report by nuclear physicist Dr. Christopher Busby, et al., concludes that “the effects in Fallujah follow the deployment of a Uranium-based weapon or weapons of some unknown type”. [2]
We’re talking about manmade enriched uranium here, not depleted uranium although both are genotoxic (toxic to the genetic constitution of an organism).
The Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations have all used enriched uranium. It’s been used in the Balkans (Serbia, Bosnia, Herzegovina, etc) and the Middle East and it’s a crime to do so. Enriched, manmade uranium. A crime. They’ve also used white phosphorus and other munitions that cause severe human damage and horrible deaths. [3]
Mutilating people is also a crime. Between 2001 and 2010 more than 40,000 servicemembers were wounded and more than 1,600 had limbs amputated. Servicemen are missing eyes, the roof of their mouths, arms, legs and pieces of the skull. [4]
Iraqi’s had their minds, bodies and culture obliterated.
[1] Metal Contamination and the Epidemic of Congenital Birth Defects in Iraqi Cities
M. Al-Sabbak, et al. July 27, 2012
[2] Uranium and other contaminants in hair from the parents of children with congenital anomalies in Fallujah, Iraq
Dr. Christopher Busby
[3] TF 2-2 IN FSE AAR Indirect Fires In The Battle Of Fallujah, Field Artillery, March-April 2005, ppg. 23-28.
Captain James T. Cobb, First Lieutenant C. A. LaCour and Sgt. First Class W. H. Hight
[4] Army Captain Returns To Combat After 60 Surgeries

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