Lessons from Bloodwork: How the Spike Protein Mimics HIV Infection

Unknown to many, SARS-CoV-2, like HIV, targets gut CD-4 cells.

(Tom: I well recall reading the first analysis of Sars_COV-2 from India in early 2020 where the researchers report they found virus they isolated and analysed had elements of HIV inserted in it, so it could not have been naturally transmitted from bats. That observation was denigrated at the time and the article withdraw,. Maybe wrongly so…

I found this article highly rich in medical nomenclature so here are the key points.)

I read a post on X over the weekend which disturbed me greatly and caused me to delve deeply into the mechanisms of HIV. An HIV neg patient presented with a low CD4 cell count. (CD4+ T cells, or helper T cells, are one type of lymphocyte that helps coordinate the immune response against infection and disease. They interact and activate other cells in the immune system.) This patient had COVID and was fully vaccinated. The doctor who posted the bloodwork commented that this finding “is more common than people want to believe.”

I couldn’t agree more with the doctor. In fact, as I have been warning for years, the mild symptoms that most experience from a COVID infection may not tell the full story of a COVID infection. After all, HIV is very similar in that the initial acute phase of the disease is very mild or virtually asymptomatic.

Let’s start with something HIV does which is very relevant in the context of SARS-CoV-2. This is the unknown-to-most fact that HIV shows a more serious depletion of CD4 T cells in the guy than in the blood. Also, like SARS-CoV-2, HIV triggers chronic immune activation.

In SARS-CoV-2 infection, we have, in essence, the precise same situation occurring in the gut. This is in regards to inflammation and CD4 counts.

There is much evidence that the Spike Protein alone may be inducing these responses.

And, perhaps more disturbingly, the gut may be a reservoir (along with many other locations) for persistent Spike production after natural infection.

Please remember, before we figured out what was really going on with HIV, we opened Kaposi Sarcoma clinics, noticed rare cancers and pneumonias. All eerily similar to what is happening now.

Nonetheless, we will continue to search for treatments and preventative measures. It is, however, beyond unfortunate that we have been put into this situation by almost certainly artificial means.
