Caterpillars of the peppered moth perceive color through their skin

Peppered Moth Caterpillars

Back in high school biology the peppered moth was trotted out as “the” proof of evolution, as caught in virtual real time. The basic story is that back in England in the 1800s a small, specked, peppered-colored moth was replaced over a 30 year timespan with a sold-black moth. As the years rolled by in North England and industrialization created more and more pollution, the trees (or rather trees’ bark) were becoming darker and darker due to the excess soot.
Eventually the dark variety of moth replaced the speckled variety almost entirely….this was to help conceal them from predatory birds, who supposedly could better see the speckled variety because they stood out more on dark tree trunks. But the ongoing scientific explanation for the past 100+ years is that one or a few of these moths experienced a random mutation, which was gradually proliferated by natural selection…aka purely materialistic explanation with no mind/ intelligence needed.
But alas, life is much more elegant than that. Nothing in biology happens by chance. Darwinism claims that adaptation is accomplished by an outside force (natural selection) but the truth is that it’s all accomplished internally within individuals as they interact with the environment. The terrain is everything. And the living organism interacts with it via perception. Aka the senses of vision, hearing, feeling, touching, tasting, etc.
In this case, scientists even “blindfolded” the moths by painting a concealer over their eyes so they couldn’t even see the background. Somehow they were able to sense the background color through their skin and create a color-match of themselves. Other varieties of peppered moths change during the development phase via “polypheniesm” which is basically epigenetics in insects. Sometimes mutations are involved, but its large segments of DNA gets altered via transcription, which is also highly regulated and triggered by the environment.
The point is that life is extremely flexible. Scientists call it “plasticity.” Which is cloudy term that basically means “organisms can somehow transform their bodies depending on the requirements of the terrain.” But it’s this amazing ability that has been hijacked and used as evidence of “evolution.” It’s not. It’s just unexplained magic within stemming from a conscious interaction with the environment.
Don’t be deceived. ALL the supposed “proofs” of evolution have been debunked…Darwin’s finches, bacterial resistance, pesticide resistance, various alterations in Cichlid fish….all the textbook examples of evolution have turned out to be nothing more than the internal ability of individuals to transform themselves, usually during development.
This of course is highly mysterious, but the process involves mothers’ hormones, which get triggered by touch/taste/smell/diet etc….and these hormones (information molecules) get transferred to her developing embryo and used to sculpt the body in beneficial ways so that it comes out “pre-adapted” to local conditions. Here’s another example..mother birds who are frightened by predators produce offspring with longer wings:
“Female birds that are exposed to predators while they are ovulating produce smaller offspring than unexposed females, researchers have found. The chicks may be smaller, but surprisingly, their wings grow faster and longer than those of chicks from unexposed mothers — an adaptation that might make them better at avoiding predators in flight.”
The profound thing is that your cells do the same thing inside you. One day a cell can be a healthy cell, but if the pH changes, it can become a cancer cell. Likewise the immune system can shift from a mostly passive process of getting rid of the bad guys into an aggressive process of attacking tissues. Parasites can go from a small organism that sequesters poisons into a swarm of interacting organisms that hijacks the mind. The terrain is everything and we were all made as sensory organisms in order to decipher it. Materialism is dead. Consciousness reigns supreme.