WORKING: Spike Protein Retrotranscription


(Preface: Zena commented: Heavy duty read for a lay person but the low down I got from your fab science work is that the spike protein wakes up dormant viruses which then puts the body into overdrive while defending itself but can’t because so many dormant viruses inside unleashed that the immune system can’t defend itself and eventually the onset of HIV. Body can’t fight off disease including cancer, chronic diseases, heavy metals, toxins, viruses, infections, etc. I researched that unless treatment is given for HIV, a person generally has about 9-11 years before overall breakdown.)

From Walter M Chestnut on Twitter:

This is my most disturbing finding to date. Before I am accused of “fear mongering,” please carefully consider what I have discovered. I am in the beginning phases of this research. What has brought me to this point is: How is the Spike Protein continually manifesting?

I had a “Eureka Moment” tonight. I have been stumped trying to understand how the Spike Protein can be continually expressed in absence of complete virus. I kept thinking about self-replication (which may still occur). However, self-replicating amyloids polymerize. We have found completely free floating Spike Protein in the blood. After an enormous amount of contemplation, I had a realization:

Viruses use the body’s cellular machinery to reproduce.

What if the Spike Protein uses the body’s ENDOGENOUS REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE to retrotranscribe itself?

There is a logical basis for this possibility. Human Endogenous Retroviruses contain their own Retrotranscriptases (RTs). In other words, if you can activate that gene, you don’t need an exogenouse RT, as in, say from HIV. Your body ALREADY HAS THEM! Most of the copies of HERV elements in the genome have accumulated inactivating mutations and none are known to propagate replication-competent viruses in humans. However, some of the more recently integrated HERVs contain intact genes that are transcribed and translated into proteins, including reverse transcriptase (RT).

Human endogenous retrovirus-K (HERV-K) reverse transcriptase (RT) structure and biochemistry reveals remarkable similarities to HIV-1 RT and opportunities for HERV-K-specific inhibition


The results obtained show that infection with SARS-CoV-2 resulted in a general increase in the expression of HERVs and mediators of the immune response. In particular, SARS-CoV-2 infection is associated with increased expression of HERV-K and HERV-W, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-17, TNF-α, MCP-1, INF-γ, TLR-3, and TLR-7, while lower levels of IL-10, IFN-α, IFN-β, and TLR-4 were found in individuals who underwent hospitalization.

Expression profile of HERVs and inflammatory mediators detected in nasal mucosa as a predictive biomarker of COVID-19 severity

I will post further as I continue this line of research. It has the ability to explain much. The relation between SARS-CoV-2 and HIV may be more similar – yet vastly different – than any of us have previously thought.