What A Circus!

What A Circus!

The truth is even more reason not to get eaten up by trivialities. The truth is that we are immortal, indestructible spiritual beings enjoying a mortal existence. The truth is that nothing can hurt you as a being unless you agree to being hurt.

My advice? Stop being so damned agreeable to being hurt! Enjoy the ride! Decide what game you want to play then play it!

The game you will enjoy most is one based on your basic purpose and for which you have a natural talent and suits your personality.

If you do not know what your basic purpose is in life, here are some tips to find it.

In chatting to many people I have been able to help them identify their basic purpose. It has always been a specialization of the desire to help.

I think the problem is that we are not taught to look for it, to recognize and pursue it. In many cases we are dissuaded from it – “You can’t make enough money doing that!”

If you would like some ideas on how to identify your basic purpose, here’s a blog post I wrote to help you:

How To Work Out Your Basic Purpose In Life

How To Work Out Your Basic Purpose In Life