No Letting The Old Man In – Clint Eastwood

Clint Eastwood

“No Letting the Old Man In!”

That’s the response the admired nonagenarian actor Clint Eastwood gave to country singer Toby Keith when asked about his secret to staying active and vibrant at his age.

“Every day when I wake up, I don’t let the old man in. My secret has been the same since 1959: staying busy. I never let the old man into the house. I’ve had to drag him out because he was already comfortably settled, bothering me all the time, leaving no space for anything other than nostalgia.

You have to stay active, alive, happy, strong, and capable. It’s in us, in our intelligence, attitude, and mentality. We are young, regardless of our ID. We must learn to fight to not let the old man in.
That old man awaits us, stationed and tired by the side of the road to discourage us. I don’t let the old, critical, hostile, envious spirit in—the one that scrutinizes our past to tie us up with complaints and distant anxieties, or relived traumas and waves of pain.

You have to turn your back on the old murmurer, full of rage and complaints, lacking courage, denying himself that old age can be creative, determined, full of light and projection.

Aging can be pleasant and even fun if you know how to use your time, if you’re satisfied with what you’ve achieved, and if you still maintain enthusiasm,” adds Clint Eastwood, a legend with ten Oscar nominations, of which he has won four statues—all after crossing the threshold of sixty.

That’s called “not letting the old man into the house.”

These words resonated so deeply with country singer Toby Keith that they inspired him to compose the song “Don’t Let the Old Man In,” dedicated to the legendary actor.