Ignorance Is The Enemy, Not Carbon!

Ignorance Is The Enemy, Not Carbon!

Tim Miles commented:

Well have you actually noticed that none of the policies enacted in the name of reducing Carbon Emissions are doing that. They are doing the precise opposite. What slight warming we have seen is due to clearing skies since much tighter rules came inĀ on smoke over the past 3 decades.
Here’s one to discuss. As a farmer I see it is getting colder, not warmer, hyping occasional days of hot weather doesn’t change that. A colder world is a drier world, and its one which will support a lot less people. What if Co2 has a minimal warming effect and we are as predicted 50 years ago in fact heading into an ice age.
If that were the case would you really want to tell several billion people living in Northern latitudes that they are going to starve but cannot stampede South because we cannot all suddenly cram into Southern latitudes where the soil simply hasn’t built up yet.
Ice ages both ended and started quite abruptly in contrast to what the media says. I learnt this reading papers for years in the Science Library as a student.