Freedom Of Speech

Unfortunately, I have some distressing news to share with you today. Despite Australia being a signatory to the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights, the Albanese Government have released an exposure draft of their ‘Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation’ bill which resembles a 1984 style ‘ministry of truth’.

This bill has the power to silence your right to speak or to question the official Government or establishment narrative. This is in direct violation of our Human Rights – Video #19: Freedom of Expression

The Government will have the power to dictate what is misinformation and what is disinformation and they will be able to coerce social media companies to remove content that they deem unacceptable.

Given that every single thing the government said about Covid was a lie (documented here Covid Data – The Official Story vs The Truth and that the same spreader of disinformation and misinformation is specifically excluded from complying with their proposed legislation (how duplicitous can you get?), we need you to join us in the fight to protect your right to speak.

You can play a big role in helping us stop this dangerous bill.

Please sign up to join the movement and then share the link with all your friends and family.

Thank you for your support.