Dr. Mike Yeadon Makes an Appeal to Dr. Robert Malone

Yeadon to Malone

The bottom lines are two-fold. 1. There is no evidence of any kind of pandemic 2. Therefore there wasn’t a novel respiratory virus, either. It was all lies.

There’s copious evidence of planning for a “pandemic” going back over 25 years. All had authoritarian regimes and mass vaccination as objectives. Now, Event 201 (autumn 2019) crowned these tabletop simulations, the fictional occurrence was “a novel coronavirus emerges in China & spreads around the world”. We’re expected to believe this astonishing concurrence with claimed reality just 3-4 months later is luck. I find it not credible.

The pandemic is a lie, like the other nine or so lies that were promulgated by main media. The evidence that matters shows there wasn’t a pandemic. The authorities knew there wasn’t a pandemic.

In light of this, all the oppressive “measures” should rightly be seen as planned terrorism. Not “mistakes”. No mistakes were made. The objective was to get a needle in every arm. You & I know that causing expression of a non-self protein axiomatically drives lethal autoimmune attack on every cell that took up the injected material, this is Immunology 101. It’s how our immune system distinguishes friend (self) from foe (non-self). The mRNA based injections were formulated with lipid nano particles (LNP). We’ve known for years in peer reviewed papers that LNP formulated macromolecules migrate everywhere in the body, but accumulate in certain organs, notably ovaries.

It is my contention that there never was a novel respiratory virus pandemic. Furthermore, it is my contention that the massed lies of governments around the world bore down on people and frightened & coerced or even mandated them to receive deliberately toxic injections. Their design brief was to cause injury, to maim & to kill.
