TGA Surrenders

TGA Surrenders

Craig Kelly writes: IT’S OVER : THE TGA HAVE SURRENDERED ON IVERMECTIN Australian GP’s can now prescribe Ivermectin for Covid, as the TGA have announced they are removing the ban. And this comes after my post yesterday on Twitter saying Ivermectin had won and war was over – which so far has had over 632,000 views. For as I repeatedly said, the TGA couldn’t hold out forever, as their senior management were risking being personally sued for Malfeasance given the tsunami of evidence rolling in, showing that Ivermectin is highly effective against Covid. Although this is a time for celebration, we should stop and spare a thought for the thousands of Australians that lost their lives in this war, that died unnecessarily from Covid because the TGA denied them access to this life saving Ivermectin. It’s now time for the war crime trials and reparations. And I wonder if the ABC or Ally will broadcast this news?