Ever evaluated CO2?

This is the greatest fraud in human history, but nobody has the courage to stand up and tell the following TRUTHS ….
1. 97% of all CO2 in the atmosphere is naturally occurring, nothing to do with what mankind does or does not do.
2. We are living in a period of among the LOWEST CO2 levels in the atmosphere in the history of this planet. Millions of years ago CO2 levels in the atmosphere were up around 4,000+ppm. Since then CO2 levels have steadily declined and today CO2 is only around 415 ppm. Extremely low. If it falls to around or below 210 ppm then all plant life, vegetation, trees etc will start to die. When that happens we all will perish. This is how utterly ludicrous this whole thing is.
3. The hydro-graphic survey station at Fort Dennison, which measures the mean height of the largest body of water on the planet, the Pacific Ocean, tells us of countless times the mean height of the ocean was HIGHER before WWII than in recent times. For example, in 1914 the Pacific Ocean recorded a mean height of 1.11 meters which is HIGHER than it was in 2019 at 1.05 meters. There weren’t any coal fired power stations, 747’s or SUV’s around in 1914!
4. Pacific islands are not sinking, very recent photographic comparisons to US aerial shots taken during WWII clearly show a huge number of islands have actually expanded/increased their surface area … they have GROWN!!
5. The Arctic has recorded massive ice and snow gains over the last three to four years despite global warming/climate change alarmists telling us the Arctic will be ice free by 2010.
6. In Australia massive increases in electricity costs which will be terrible for everyone, manufacturing and businesses will struggle to survive, many will probably close, base-load power shortages resulting in wide-spread black-outs, massive job losses and a society on its way to serious decline – all of which is in the name of “global warming/climate change” will NOT reduce the earth’s temperature. Nothing we do here in Australia will have the slightest impact on the earth’s temperature. When pushed on the matter by members of Parliament, even the CSIRO’s Chief Scientist admitted it for goodness sake!
7. We know from this planet’s history that in the few times where CO2 has been at elevated levels, the earth’s temperature did NOT rise. We know this as FACT through ice core samples, and ice core samples don’t lie. You can’t change the earth’s history but my bet is there’s plenty of doomer activists who wish they could.
8. Despite being told by doomer climate alarmists the Great Barrier Reef will be 50% gone by 2020 due to climate change, the reef is actually flourishing with fantastic coral growth of recent times.
9. Last year China INCREASED their emissions by roughly the same amount as Australia emits in an ENTIRE YEAR for goodness sake. This means if the whole of Australia vanished off the face of the earth and didn’t exist tomorrow and therefore did not emit a single gram of emissions, nothing would change.
10. And let’s not forget there’s not suppose to be any more rainfall and certainly not enough to fill our dams by 2015. Just another LIE.
The truth is every single solitary global warming/climate change prediction has been proved WRONG.
Not one single alarmist claim has been correct and the reason for this is because it is based on complete and utter LIES.
Wake up people and save Australia from this insanity.