DNA Sequenced By Language Frequency


‘An innovative Russian team, led by biophysicist and molecular biologist, Pjotr Garjajev, found that even the structuring of DNA-alkaline pairs follows a regular grammar and has set rules. It appears that all human languages are simply verbalizations of our DNA.

“Most astounding of all, the team discovered that living human DNA can be changed and rearranged with spoken words and phrases.The key to changing DNA with words and phrases is in using the right frequency. Through the application of modulated radio and light frequencies, the Russians were able to influence cellular metabolism and even remedy genetic defects.”

http://Read more: https://undergroundhealthreporter.com/dna-science-and-reprograming-your-dna/

Leon Secatero, a Navajo Headman, conducted ceremonies which altered our DNA. Specific ancient songs of “The Making” were sang by Medicine Men while people walked in weaving circular patterns around glyphs drawn in the sand in the presence of large activated crystals.
