Benefits of Dietary Copper

Benefits of Dietary Copper

My daughter asked me if the data in this was true:

So I went online and did a search for “Benefits of Dietary Copper”. One of the first articles returned was this one:

Which is a fascinating study in double speak. The whole article attempts to “debunk” the video yet continues to illustrate that insufficient copper in the diet will produce the opposite of the benefits about which the lad ascribes to copper, thus validating his story! (If only for people with inadequate dietary copper intake.)

Probably the most relevant datum is that copper deficiency is rare. Although they do not say by what standard or level and we know their idea of adequate nutrition is woefully inadequate so more data required on that point.

But if you suffer from insufficient copper then start ingesting more copper containing foods or drinking from copper cups you would most likely notice the benefits listed.

A great resource for finding which foods are highest in a given nutrient is: