Your Future Self

I once heard an interesting dissertation on whether the present causes the future or the future causes the present.

“That’s ridiculous!” I hear some say.

Is it? I mean, we all know that if you hit your thumb with a hammer you will get a sore thumb. The present act of missing the nail and striking the thumb will cause future pain in the thumb.

But what about the desire to eat something in the future necessitating you work today to earn money to buy food so you can eat tomorrow. Did not the desire to be eating tomorrow govern what you did with your time today? Does that not make tomorrow cause over today?

I raise this philosophical point to ask you whether or not you have consulted your 2033 future self lately about the sort of shape you would like to be in health and fitness wise in ten years?

Or maybe I should ease into that question by asking you what are you grateful for today that you did in the past?

Maybe it is worth some time to make a few notes on where you would like to be in 10 or 20 years time with regards your health and fitness. What you would like to be capable of doing with your body.

I sometimes say to youngsters, “Ask your parents, aunts and uncles the degenerative diseases from which they suffer and, if they had their time over again, what lifestyle changes they would make to prevent those conditions from manifesting.”

Maybe ask your future self if they would like to dodge those conditions. Because it’s a lot easier to prevent a problem than it is to fix one. Especially health problems. They are far easier to prevent than cure.

There’s more than one old saying that recognises this.

A stitch in time saves nine.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

I encourage you not to put off doing this exercise as life all too easily gets in the way. Right now open however you allocate times and tasks for yourself and make a note to consult your future self.

When you have done it, if I can be of any assistance in helping you attain your dietary goals, call or write me.

I can guarantee you without a shadow of a doubt your future self will be ever so grateful you did!