You and The Banks

It’s interesting how things happen. A few days ago I received the below message about what to do to stand against the bank rip offs and not be part of their game. Then today I see on Facebook an ad asking for people to protest the fact that Westpac have just declared their highest ever profit but are crying poor, as well they should with their off-balance-sheet exposure to worthless derivatives and the fact that the government guarantee runs out so the next lot of borrowing without the government guarantee securing it will cost them double the interest that the last lot did.

The following is a strategy laid out by an financial insider who laid out a simple approach that any single person could apply in order to hit back at all the criminal financial activities that we are forced to put up with by using the financial system against them.

Sounds good…..ehhh!

Besides, the obvious, of just moving your money entirely out of the BIG FAT CAT BANKS, into the smaller communal banks, credit unions or similar bank.

This alone sends them a message, but if you have:

A Personal Loan
A home loan
Credit Card
Line of Credit
Car, boat or bike loan etc, etc.

Then there is a simple method of not only hitting the banks where it hurts them the most, their back pockets, but you can save yourself a bunch of money in the process.

Simply put, if each and every person reading this, decided to transfer all their existing loans and credit cards over to a smaller bank or union, such as the local Credit Union and in the process, negotiating a better long term rate with the new bank as most of these banks and credit unions actually want your business and to work with you, then you have not only taken action that will ultimately hurt the big guys, but will benefit you, your family, your local community and the personnel who work at these banks that actually give a crap about their customers.


It actually gets much better for those who have credit cards and are paying the exorbitant interest rates being charged by the BIG BANKS.

The opportunity to discuss a personal loan or some similar loan with the smaller bank is not only welcomed, but with the current campaigns and sentiment against the larger profit driven banks, would play an advantage to you, as once again. The smaller banking institutions are only too eager to get NEW business and are prepared to bend over backwards to get it.

As long as you are able to sit down and speak with the right person at the new bank, and explain to them your discontent with your current financial relationships with the BIG BANKS, and that you are willing to do what it takes to move your business over to XYZ, and in return for doing so, expect to receive better rates and real customer care with REAL service.


Current Loans with your bank:

2 x Credit Cards = $15,000.00
Personal Loan = $25,000.00
Car Loan =$10,000.00
Total in loans =$50,000.00

Average Interest rate being paid = 14% or $7,000.00.

Same loans, at a better average interest rate of 12% would see an EXTRA $1,000.00 STAY in your pockets. Work out a better consolidation plan with your new friend at the local bank, and see even higher amounts of CASH stay with you and your family.

For example, roll all your debts into a credit line against your mortgage, and pay only 5,6 or 7 % in interest rates. It really doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the savings you are going to make.

Sure. It is going to take time, and it’s going to be a pain in the back side, but, isn’t that worth sticking to these FAT CATS!

And sticking to them with the only vote that truly matters at the end of the day–by just walking yourself and your money right out of their banks.

And done right, with an overall reduction of interest being paid on your outstanding liabilities, you should see more of your money staying where it truly belongs….in your pockets.

Best of luck. Oh yeah…please help to spread this message to as many of your friends, family and associates.

There has never been a better time, to help the little people hit back at these TOO BIG to FAIL BANKS, and help end the financial crimes being perpetrated upon us all.

For all those under dogs around the globe.

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