Controversy Alert

Facebook (Who currently have me on another 30 day ban for posting truth contrary to the narrative) reminded me of this I posted 9 years ago. Still as valid as it was 9 years ago, perhaps even more so!)


I received this email last week:

On 21/03/2013 11:33 PM, Xxxxx Xxxxxx wrote:
> Generally like your newsletter, much interesting and uplifting stuff.
> Remember that concept about getting that on which you put your attention?
> May want to lay off the upsetting articles.
> I am referring to “More data on Chemtrails”
> Your thoughts?

G’day Xxxxx,

Hope you and the family are keeping well.

I have been sitting on your question waiting until my thoughts were sufficiently formulated to give it the reply it deserves without engendering an upset.

This lifetime three people have called me the most honest man they have ever met.

There is an old saying that you cannot live an honest life and survive. You may have heard it.

So I am sending you this well aware that I am probably being too honest, too pointed, too lacking in PR skills and most likely to tax the comm line past breaking point. That is not my intent.

So here goes.

I just read this post from a very successful business person, Grant Cardone:

Bad things happen to good people, cause good people never confront and prepare for bad things.

You are not the first person to raise this point.

And it is a valid point.

I have looked at this on a number of occasions and have eventually come to the conclusion that more awareness is better than less.

If you know something of what is happening then you can take appropriate preventative or remedial action.
For instance, if you have been reading my newsletters you know the background radiation has increased, even here in Oz, from .008 to .31 since the Fukushima accident. This is not a potential bad effect, this is an actual one, happening right now.

You obviously know about chemtrails as that was the article which prompted your origination. Again, not a potential danger but a clear and present danger.

As a result of knowing this data, what have you added to your and your families’ diet to run out the radiation and toxic heavy metals?

Knowing the US and Russia/China are moving closer to a WWIII catastrophe, how much Niacin are you holding at your place to run out the effects of a nuclear blast on you and your family?

And if, as I suspect is the case, you have not added several heavy metal and radioactive detoxing ingredients to your diets, how many times do you think I need to put the data in front of you before you will take action?

Have a great Easter!

So, before you unfriend me for posting things that upset you, which you are perfectly OK to do, ‘cos a lot of what I post IS upsetting, ask yourself the following question,
“Have I confronted the true reality of this situation and, if so, what am I myself doing to help prevent it or mitigate the effects of it?”

And if you answer does not please you, toughen up, confront the situation that exists, not what you’d like to exist or what you think should be there but look honestly at what actually is there.

Because if something is slowly killing you, it would be treasonous on my part not to bring it to your attention. And there is a lot happening that is injurious to your physical, spiritual and financial health and well being, let alone the survival potential of the whole planet.

Other than that, enjoy your Easter break!