Some Thoughts From Me on "I Tried It And It Was Hard"

Anything you do for the first time leaves you somewhere on the scale from “it felt foreign” to “boy that was difficult” to “gee that was really hard” to “that’s impossible to do”. That’s why it takes 10,000 hours of practice and training to become world class at any thing.
If it is worthwhile it will take effort, perseverance, courage, determination and persistence to accomplish it. Sometimes the obstacles you have to overcome are daunting, challenging, overwhelming or discouraging. That’s where the mental bit comes in. That is the difference at the top of any field. The winner had a better handle on how to overcome the inclination to quit, fail or lose. They knew how to remotivate, reinspire and reenergise their distracted mind and exhausted body to push past the pain to attain the gain.
May you always create obstacles to overcome and may you always find the strength to overcome your obstacles.

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