What does the EMA leak show about the Pfizer vaccine?

Pfizer Vaccine Particle Contamination

A video discussing various elements of leaked documents from Pfizer and the handling of that by the EMA.

I list some key highlights below. I’ll let you listen to the video for the details lest you think me calling drug companies criminal activities a little extreme.

Tests on the Pfizer vaccine RNA stability and integrity vary between 55 and 86 percent. The lower the stability, the lower the efficacy.

(Tom: Be nice if you got what you paid for!)

There are differences between integrity of the clinical and commercial batches. The commercial batches (the ones that are injected into the public) have a lower stability therefore lower efficacy.

(Tom: The peer review studies are based on the clinical so this is potentially fraudulent.)

Similar to the results Italians researchers found when analysing different vaccines in the last few years, the Pfizer vaccine apparently has unidentified particles in it.

(Tom: Be nice if you got only what you paid for with no nasty surprises!)
