Your Brain

Your Brain

Half right.
Your mind is the computer, not your brain.
Your mind is not your brain, it is a function, not a thing.
Your brain is a mechanical switchboard.
It does not even hold enough space to store three months of your memories.
They are stored in your mind.
You are an immortal, indestructible being who uses the function of your mind to run your body.
And the thoughts you allow residency in your mind, the decisions you make, the considerations you hold are all senior to your brain, your body and the physical universe.

So, knowing this, how best do you operate?
1. Find out what your basic purpose is in life.
2. Work out what the product is you want to create that is most closely aligned with your basic purpose.
3. Decide you are going to become world class at producing that product.
4. Start (or continue) gaining expertise and then extreme competence then world leading excellence in producing your product.
5. Along the way, ignore the self-doubts, self-invalidations, negative thoughts and any self or other originated intention counter or opposing your intention that you be world class in creating your chosen product.

If you have read and understood and can think with this and intend to apply it, then I have achieved my product – a more aware you!

Have a world class day!