Vitamin C Might Not Be Enough To Save You

(Reposting from a friend on another soical media site.)

Historically, large doses of vitamin C could be used to protect from some of the worst adverse effects of vaccination (read Archie Kalakerinos’ book Every Second Child).

Vitamin C in large doses will make covid symptoms go away in hours and resolve the illness in a day or two.

The COVID “vaccine” they are giving has some other purpose as far as I can tell. It is injecting an RNA (the RNA in modeRNA) “device”. It is a modification of the body at the DNA level that, from the adverse effects being reported (like complete loss of platelets leading to death within days), makes its design more of a bio-weapon then a protective agent.

Vaccine science to me has been zombie science, intentionally killing and damaging our children, ever since I got a grasp on ascorbate science which obsoletes all vaccine science. Once that is clear, it seems like a waste of time to even study what they’re proposing. But here’s a document written by the zombies. Anyone faced with forced vaccination might want to read the article linked at

Reshaping your life so you’re not forced to take a vaccine may be a better choice than agreeing to this shot.

I don’t know how much protection vitamin C in large doses will provide for an RNA fragment being injected. The other vaccines are bad enough, hard for vitamin C to provide complete protection. But an RNA fragment may bypass the protective effects of high dose ascorbate. This “vaccine” seems more like a kill shot than anything else.

(Tom: Removing toxins is one thing. Vitamin C and other nutrients do that all the time. Rebuilding damaged cellular structure is a completely different ball game.)