Want to prevent cancer? Start here

Hands Holding Pink Ribbon

This is a good article on improving your diet to reduce the odds of suffering cancer. As you will see in the comments, someone slagged off at Sherry for treating only the nutrition aspect in her blog. I replied:

David, you are correct in that there are other factors involved in whether or not a person gets cancer and if Sherry had the time and space and if she were writing a book on the subject then I am sure she would do it justice. (For instance Dr Rashid Buttar said on a presentation I watched that every person with cancer who comes to see him has had a major emotional trauma in their life and one for one they do not recover unless and until the trauma is addressed and handled.)

Sherry does not hold herself out to be any more than a person vitally interested in the subject health and nutrition and helping us in that area. As such she is talking to her topic and interest, not covering the whole gamut of data on cancer.

I know how extensive is the subject as I have over 60 pages of data on cancer in my book on How To Live The Healthiest Life and I feel I haven’t even scratched the surface of the topic.

This blog post is not a chapter let alone a book, Sherry is not writing a treatise on cancer, she is exposing a single (arguably THE most important) element that most do not know or apply in their thinking or eating. As such it is valuable data and an element over which nearly everyone has a great deal more immediate control than most other factors, like air pollution for instance. Sure, you can move to a less polluted location but nowhere near as easily or immediately as ceasing to eat junk food.

And sure, if she were writing defensively to prevent any criticism of her work she could have added a disclaimer to the effect that this is a short blog post on one of many aspects of cancer and to please research the subject fully to get a complete understanding of it.

I have seen others quote the WHO as having said 95% of cancer is preventable by diet and lifestyle. (I did a search on the WHO web site but did not find the quote.)

Bottom line, as I quote Adelle Davis in my book, “As I see it, every day you do one of two things: build health or produce disease in yourself.”

IMHO the thoughts you allow to populate your thinking processes and the food you eat are the two most critical elements in maintaining good health.

Focus on those two and you will have done a huge step more than most on improving your chances for a long, healthy and happy life.
