Watch The Need To Grow for Free

The Need To Grow

(Tom: Just watching the trailer had me tearing up!)

Nick Writes:

Hi Tom,

Four years ago, my friend and fellow filmmaker Rob Herring called me with a fire in his heart. He had decided to make it his mission to educate people about sustainability and what we humans can do to create a lasting future for our children and grandchildren.

Rob was in the middle of filming a new documentary on the topic and was looking for guidance on how to turn it into something that could have a huge impact. I told him that he had me at “a lasting future for our children.”

After a ton of hard work (and plenty of serendipity), this remarkable film called The Need To GROW is premiering online for FREE…and I have a feeling it might just change the world.

If you watch the trailer below, I think you’ll agree 🙂

Watch the trailer here

The Need To GROW is a deeply moving, award-winning documentary that will open your eyes to huge issues in our food system that you may not know about. It will leave you feeling informed and inspired about what you can do to impact the health of your loved ones (and the health of our planet) for the better.

You’ll recognize the narrator too! The environmentalist and actress Rosario Dawson gives voice to the film’s important message: we must learn how to sustainably grow food for future generations.

I dare you not to get emotional while watching this film…

Click here to watch it for free

Stay curious,

Nick Polizzi