Re Hand Sanitisers

Dr Peter Dingle Writes:

If you live in Western Australia (a covid free state) and are concerned about the overuse of hand santiser you may want to send a copy of this to your school?

Dear (Principal)

I am concerned about the requirement for our children to use the school’s chemical hand sanitiser due to the multiple exposure and potential adverse health outcomes.

The hand sanitiser contains toxic chemicals and is a risk to our children’s health both short and long term.

We live in a Covid free state and, as such, this requirement appears an over reaction and totally unnecessary at this time. Can you please explain why it is required under the current circumstances?

Also, has the school conducted a Health Risk Assessment which looks at the potential total exposure to our children and potential adverse health outcome?

If so can we please be provided with a copy?

If so what is the upper level of application allowed for children and do you know how many times children apply these sanitisers to their hands in a 24 hour period?

Are you aware of the health risks to adults who apply these chemicals in medical settings which include an increased risk of asthma, allergies, skin conditions and gut dysbiosis?

Are you aware that children are not just smaller adults in terms of toxic chemical exposure but for numerous well documented reasons they are likely to be much more vulnerable than adults?

Are you aware of the large body of scientific evidence on the benefits of a healthy gut microbiome and the overuse of hand santiser seems to fly in the face of this science?

These are some of the questions that need to be addressed before you allow any child to increase their exposure to toxic chemicals.

Until a Health Risk Assessment is done or provided, we believe it is unnecessary and potentially harmful.

Again, we live in a Covid free state and such preventative measures are not necessary in the first instance.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards

Your Name