In The Midst Of Change

In The Midst Of Change

Regardless of your chosen profession, in order to survive you need to have the following skills. The better your skills are developed, the better your chance of survival.

You need to be able to observe your environment as it exists in present time. This requires the ability to accurately and fully confront the existing environment and the ability to accurately observe and understand the factors at play.

This may seem like too basic a fundamental but given that one very intelligent and experienced observer estimated that the average person is only 30% in present time with 70% of his attention is stuck in the past, you can better appreciate why accidents occur. Those pictures you get in your mind of past incidents? The argument you had that you keep thinking about? They are some of the things that make up your 70% of attention that is stuck in the past.

To understand the factors at play you need to have some familiarity with them. A stranger in a strange land has less knowledge of local factors so is at a higher risk of harm.

You need to be able to perceive and recognise threats and opportunities. This again requires accurate observation and some familiarity with the scene.

You need to know your strengths and weaknesses and those of your associates. This requires understanding and accurate observation.
You need to be able to think with data and solve problems. This requires intelligence.
You need to be able to make decisions based on available data. This requires courage.
You need to be able to act on your decisions. This too requires courage.
You need to be able to overcome obstacles, barriers and distractions and persist long enough to attain objectives. This requires drive.

I hope you are building your skills in these tumultuous times. Confront, communication, evaluating whom to trust and whom not to trust are key skills. If you want some recommendations to free, online resources that will help boost your survival ability, get in touch with me.