An Open Letter To the Premier

Dear Premier,

The COVID response was based on Imperial College Neil Ferguson’s projections.
These projections have subsequently proven to be wildly inaccurate.
In Australia last year there were 1,013 doctor certified flu deaths (as reported on the ABS site). We are nowhere near that number of COVID deaths.

Why are we remaining a victim of the media generated fear porn and altering our way of life for something not even a tenth as fatal as Mental and Behavioral Disorders (10,747 last year) when front line responders report self-harm and suicides are sky-rocketing during the lockdown?

There is no logical sense in the Federal or State government responses.

Please investigate the about and satisfy yourself of the truth of the above then advise the Australian people of the mistake and let’s get back to a saner operating basis.

Tom Grimshaw

(Verifiable by the Australian Bureau of Statistics: )