Down Another Fork In The Rabbit Hole

Craig Roy writes: Time for a sinister Rabbit Hole that has been in the making for years.

A lot of you have followed me down many Rabbit Holes but nothing will prepare you for this one.

We are going to cover a lot of different information to get through this Rabbit Hole and most of the information you will probably know already. I am not going to go into detail on each topic or supply lots of links and data because it will distract from the connections and the final conclusion.

I will cover enough for you to understand the connections and to be able consider the conclusion. If there is something you don’t know or understand I would ask you to go and look at some of the readably available information and then come back to this.

The only thing that cannot be proven is the conclusion I will draw at the end.

We are going to go into some information and details that have two opposing sides and there is a lot of debate about the different sides. For the sake of this article I am going to ask you to park your opinions and views to the side until the end because I will show that both sides now have to come together or we will be in big trouble.

I am going to start with the one that has to opposing sides and lots of controversy and that is Vaccines.

Whether you are pro-vaccines or anti-vaccines it no longer matters you need to come together and we will discuss both sides in a second. Firstly we need to talk about the new RNA vaccines that Bill Gates and others have been working on for over 10 years. If you do not know what these are they are a new type of vaccines that re-writes your DNA to give you the immunity. There is lots of information from Robert Kennedy Jr on this subject.

To all Pro-Vaxxers you are currently Ok with vaccines as they are and you will be aware that all medications carry risk. Not always will the risk apply to you but when it does you can stop taking that vaccine and look at getting treatment if you do happen to have a negative reaction. So all is good in your world for now.

We all have unique DNA and no one’s DNA is the same yet the new RNA vaccines is going to re-write your unique DNA into something else that is supposed to give you immunity like your current vaccines.

I ask you the following:

If all our DNA’s are unique how can one method be safe for all when you use RNA vaccine to change every single persons unique DNA?

If something goes wrong how do you undo the permanent change to your DNA?

How long before all vaccines are made this way?

How many of these altering DNA vaccines can you take before you are no longer you? I will answer this one later.

Now Anti-Vaxxers you are sitting there thinking this is all good we will end up with more people changing to Anti-Vaxxers. You may be right but if you do not support Pro-Vaxxers I believe that this vaccine will become a reality and once it is being used I ask you the following questions.

Yes it may come in as voluntary but how long before they make it mandatory?

How does the RNA coding going to change your DNA?

Will this mechanism used to alter your DNA be there forever? If it is there forever will it continue to modify DNA?

We already know that when we kiss, make love, have a blood transfusion organ transplant just to name a few we get DNA from somebody else. At present this is not an issue. But if this other person or you have had the DNA altering vaccine will it now alter your DNA anyway because we have introduced a method to alter DNA that was not there before?

What happens when 2 Pro-Vaxxers decide to have a child? We now have 3 elements to deal with, the parents DNA and the altered Vaccine DNA. How much of that child is going to be the parents and how much is going to be altered by the vaccine into something else?

Now this same question can be applied to a Pro-Vaxxer falling in love with an Anti-Vaxxer.

So the Ant-Vaxxers says no problem I will only go out with Anti-Vaxxers. You forgot that love is blind. Secondly if what I am saying is true even if vaccines are voluntary and remain this way how long before this has infected everyone anyway.

I know some of you are already thinking that this is pretty bad and you are shocked and horrified at what you have just read. Wait it gets worse.

We have just been talking about DNA so let’s bring this topic up and discuss as it applies to this Rabbit Hole. Have you ever had a DNA test done? It does not matter for what it could have been for a medical reason, to learn about your family tree, to be convicted or acquitted from a crime, for a job application, paternity test and so on.

Since DNA sequencing has been available what has happened to all those DNA sequences? You got your results but you lost them. What do you do? You contact the company that did the test and you get another copy. So this means that these companies have a DNA library that has you details and a copy of your DNA which is yours as a sovereign right of being born.

Wow it boggles my mind at how much data this would be and it costs them money to store all this information. Do you believe they are spending money to keep this information if it did not have a value to them?

Hello to all the GM (Genetically Modified) Food people. My first question is why aren’t all the people who oppose GM Foods all over this and screaming from the highest mountain tops? The people who are against GM foods are against them in the main part for health reasons and the risk that GM food could have on your health and the health of the environment.

Now here is an injection that will directly modify your DNA, the thing you have been actively working to stop and prevent from happening to you, yet there is silence.

It does not matter if you are a Pro-Vaxxer or Anti-Vaxxer if you are against GM foods you should have joined forces already and be fighting this vaccine with everything you have as it is going to modify your DNA the exact thing you are fighting to prevent.

Since all the CV19 mayhem started what has been the biggest thing that has been pushed by everyone? Testing, Testing, And Testing. Once again it does not matter if you think this is good or bad, it does not matter how accurate you believe the testing is or is not, it does not matter if you think testing should be volentery or mandatory.

What you have to ask yourself is what is the difference between CV19 testing and DNA Testing? Why are they using such a long swab? Early DNA testing used this type of swab and then change to a simple saliva swab test.

How can you be sure that the test you have sent in with your details is only being tested for CV19 and not for sequencing your DNA?

All these CV19 test are being done on a lot of people who would have no reason otherwise to get a DNA test done. Where does this information end up? In the DNA library?

Some of you by now are probably guessing where this is heading and others are not sure but stick with this as there is more for all of you and the conclusion is a doozy.

The Strawman is a topic that not a lot of people know about but it is important for this discussion. The briefest version is that when you are born they create your Birth certificate so they can trade you using Admiralty Law. This is done with smoke and mirrors. You have Birth Rights under the Magna Carta and Common law to defend those rights.

This is a complex subject probably too complex to even attempt to summarize into a couple of sentences but I do not want to get bogged down on this subject. If you know nothing do yourself a favor have a look. If you do know and can summarise it better than me love to see that in the comments. For this discussion all you need to know or acknowledge is that the system has been trading you without your knowledge and making money from you.

Next we need to discuss DNA patents and law. There has been many cases on this and Monsanto has been one of the big companies doing this. Once again I am going to attempt to keep this complex subject very very simple. If you change or modify DNA and make it uniquely different from the original you can apply for a patent. Once the patent is granted you have law that will defend your ownership of that patent.

So what you say! What has that to do with anything? Before I answer this question lets time travel to the future for a second and let’s tell a little story.

In this future this DNA modifying vaccine is a reality and you head of to your doctor to get vaccinated. You go into the docs and he/she says “Just before I give you the vaccine I need to take a swab sample for testing to check if the vaccine has worked. We will then give you the vaccine and in 2 weeks (this time cold be anything and will be the time it takes for the DNA modifying vaccine to work) and we will do another free swab sample to confirm the vaccine has worked.”

The first swab will be to get a record of your birth DNA the second swab will be for your modified DNA. Without you knowing the company applies for a patent on you modified DNA. You laughing say “NO they cannot do this!” but it will be granted as they have been doing this for years already. Just look at Corn and all the law suits over this or the patent on pigs that has been granted and the battles over that one.

And now for that conclusion.

If this vaccine becomes a reality I believe that they will use your modified DNA to take out a patent which then nullifies your birth DNA. This then gives them unrestricted legal control of you.

So you say fine I will just get my DNA restored back to its original state. Even if this could be done there are a number of problems.

If you attempt this you are creating fraud against the company that owns your modified DNA.

If you do not get it back to exactly the same as they have on record then you will have failed.

We already know that modifying DNA is difficult and tricky how would you propose that you would have the accuracy to get it back to exactly the same?

Radiation and other things effect your DNA this also would have to be considered when you were trying to revert your DNA back to birth DNA.

I could go on with lots of other reasons that this is bad but this is the main one I put together.

I hope you made it to the end and have realized what I have realized.

My final question is:

What the hell are you going to do about this now you know?

I believe we have to get this to everyone and we all have to unite before it is too late.

Our petty differences are no longer the priority the only thing that matters is UNITY!

Craig Roy
Australian Patriot