“The truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation” — Dr Devra Davis

Dr Devra Davis

I posted this talk from Dr Devra Davis a while ago but since my Facbook newsfeed is full of dire warnings of 5G dangers that people have extapolated from what they know, I thought it worth revisiting the incontrovertible, scientifically researched data detailing the effects of EMF on the human body.

I am looking into various devices that claim to mitigate the EMF effects on a body and will post the results shortly. A few years ago I purchased a WaveRider. It has a limited life span and was going to cost US$1,800 to replace it. Nearly AU$30 a week is cheaper than cellular destruction but if I can do better… I purchased some stickers to go on my mobile phone but obviously that is not the only radiation to which my body is exposed.