Remembering Ned Kelly

Ned KellyNed Kelly

A friend posted this:

(Original Post:)

At 10am on this day 138 years ago. Edward “Ned” Kelly was hung as an outlaw. Whilst he was “officially” considered an outlaw, Ned and the Kelly Gang’s very public stand against police brutality and social injustice was directly responsible for changing the laws of the land and making the Govt and police more accountable for their action at the time.

I wonder if much has really changed today or if the official deception has returned? It appears that everyday we are seeing video clips and reports of police brutality on the news and internet. The police then “investigate themselves” and mostly always found “innocent” of any wrongdoing. The politicians and the rich have not changed much either. The politicians do as they want regardless of the public’s wishes and best interests and if the law stands in their way they just re-write the laws to suit their needs and to hell with the common man.

So has anything really changed since Ned’s day or has the corruption slowly returned in new ways as the unscrupulous leaders of our country continue to steal from the workers so that they can get rich at our expense, whilst using the police as their private army to do so?

Maybe Australia needs a new outlaw?

RIP Edward Ned Kelly.



(Reply from Tom:)

Unfortunately Ned’s stand did little good for him and did not, as you so eloquently stated, change the system for the better. So, despite his best intentions and courage, he did not achieve his goals.

No, we do not need another martyr, we need to work very diligently at creating a new breed of ethical, aware, honest productive citizens who are not fooled by the biggest liar at election time.

Believe me, I have looked long at hard at the present system and how the inequities, injustices and corruption (and they are many) can be addressed.

Each component of the present “system” (parliament, the political parties, the government departments, the judiciary, the medical mafia, the “education” system, the police, the armed forces, the presstitute media, the drug companies, bi ag, the censoring tech giants) are so interlocked that any attempt by one element to step outside the existing paradigm is met with strong opposition from the other pieces of the jigsaw until they are back in lock step.

Look at how the present NSW government are brazenly cutting the funding of the only body capable of addressing their corruption, ICAC.

And we do not even have a federal equivalent. (Federal ICAC Now)

No, what we need are more aware, more intelligent, more informed and courageous citizens as the basic building blocks of a better society.

That’s where we need to put our attention!