Study: Aluminum Exposure During Puberty Disrupts Hormonal Development

Syringe Dripping Aluminum

Study: Aluminum Exposure During Puberty Disrupts Hormonal Development

Tom: This humungous and continuing tragedy brings me to the point of tears over the amount of heartache it will cause. Here is an excerpt but the full article is well worth reading.

To find out more, we asked women’s health educator and expert in women’s hormonal health, Ms. Leslie Carol Botha, what her views were on vaccinating adolescents with vaccinations containing the aluminum adjuvant during puberty and whether or not she believed it was safer to vaccinate pre-adolescent boys than it was girls?

She told us that:

Puberty in adolescents is a fragile transition. It is a time when the endocrine system is developing its own reproductive rhythm. The neurological, immune and endocrine systems are all involved in this transition. Introducing any toxin into the blood stream to infiltrate the blood brain barrier becomes a disruptor. PERIOD. How that manifests may differ from child to child – however, there is no doubt that one or all three of the systems will be involved. We have analyzed VAERS data that suggests that until puberty boys are affected more by vaccine injury than girls (due to estrogen protection). However, once puberty is reached, rates of vaccine injury among girls increases (data was compared before and after the introduction of the HPV vaccines to the market) and the injury gap between genders is higher for women throughout their lifetime.

Vaccinating any child at puberty is a disruption may alter a child’s development. The brain does not even fully mature until the early 20’s.

She continued:

By depressing the immune system a child becomes more susceptible to other pathogens. And with the high rates of infertility – one must wonder how vaccines play a role. We do know that the HPV vaccine Gardasil is causing premature ovarian failure in young girls. Many are unaware until they are ready to have a child and are told by their physician that their ovaries have atrophied. They are now considered to be in menopause – with a total breakdown of the endocrine system.