Effects of music therapy on depression compared with psychotherapy

This paper reports a study testing the effects of music on depression and compares them with the effects of psychotherapy. There are mainly three conventional treatments for depression: psychotherapy, pharmaceutical treatments, and electroconvulsive therapy. Because conventional treatment has proven to be poorly successful, new means of treatment must be found that might improve depression when used together with other therapies. A randomized controlled clinical trial was performed with a convenience sample of 79 patients aged 25–60 years with low- and medium-grade depression. The Zung Depression Scale was employed for selection purposes. Patients were randomly assigned to the music-therapy group (classical and baroque music) (n = 41), or the psychotherapy group based on conductive-behavioral therapy (n = 38). The music therapy was applied for 50 min a day, every day, for eight weeks. At the end, the music-therapy group had less depressive symptoms than the psychotherapy group, and this was proven to be statistically significant with the Friedman test.
