New Study Confirms Chemotherapy Encourages Spread Of Cancer


New research carried out by an international team of scientists has further confirmed that chemotherapy encourages the spread of cancer. Published in the Nature Cell Biology journal, the study looks at two commonly used chemotherapy drugs, paclitaxel and doxorubicin, and examines how breast cancer cells respond to them. Confirming what other studies have reported for years now, the researchers found that use of this extremely toxic class of drugs can trigger the onset of new tumors in other parts of the body.

The study describes how use of the two chemotherapy drugs in breast cancer results in specific proteins being produced. These circulate in the blood and, upon reaching the lungs, cause the release of further proteins and immune cells that can facilitate the development of metastatic cancer cells. Through its continued sale and promotion of toxic chemotherapy drugs for cancer, the pharmaceutical industry is thus ensuring that, far from eradicating the disease, it continues to exist. Small wonder, therefore, that the size of the global oncology market is expected to reach an eye-watering $200 billion annually by the year 2022.