Politics Is The Science Of Fraud

Politics Is The Science Of Fraud

Only yesterday I was thinking of providing a definition of democracy that is apt to today’s corrupt scene. Something along the lines of, “That political system wherein the government takes a percentage of your money then politicians bribe you to vote for them by poromising you personal gain from what they stole from you in the first place while secretly collecting funds from corporate sponsors to fund their election campaigns then passing legislation in the best intersts of those sponsoring corporations, not the people.”

As time goes on I am becoming more convinced that democracy, while it sounds great, is not yielding us good governance.

We need a new system where managers are promoted on their competence as measured by their products and the best managers manage the largest area, federal government.

I doubt this will happen in my lifetime, too many changes would need to occur and they would be too heavily fought by those who stand to lose power and control.