Shocking new drug danger discovered: Statins found to cause ALS, a fatal nervous system disorder


Many people take statins with the aim of improving their health, but these drugs come with so many side effects that they’re often not worth taking. Long under fire for their lack of results and their role in raising the risk of diabetes, yet another reason has emerged for avoiding these drugs: They can cause the deadly disorder ALS.

ALS, which stands for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, is a nervous system disorder that causes progressive muscle strength loss that is irreversible. Also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, it cause nerve cells within the spinal cord and brain that control your voluntary muscles to die. It may start with weakness in one leg or arm and speech changes before leading to muscle twitching and eventually preventing people from moving, speaking, eating and breathing. There is no cure, and the disease is fatal

And here are some snippets from a video I am part way through watching:

Seniors with a HIGHER level of cholesterol have a 70% LOWER risk of dementia!
The brain is 60% fat and much of that is cholesterol.
25% of the cholesterol in your body is in your brain.
“If you deprive cholesterol from the brain then you directly affect the machinery that triggers the release of neurotransmitters… …and neurotransmitters affect how smart you are and how well you remember things.”
A recent MIT paper showed a clear link between statin drugs and Alzheimer’s disease. The author wrote, “not having enough cholesterol in your brain plays a critical role in the (Alzheimer’s) disease process.”
A high cholesterol diet improved brain function in Alzheimer’s patients.