Medicine Is Sick Care

Medicine Is Sick Care

This is spot on. And yet the vast majority of us have yet to adopt an operating basis based on this truth. We are under and misinformed and outright lied to about what is healthy and what is not and most of us consider ourselves too busy or not interested enough to take the time to educate ourselves on the subject of nutrition. Even most of the articles available online barely scratch the surface.

For instance if you look online using the search term “types of nutrients” and will read every article on the first page of search results (the vast majority of people don’t get past page one) all you get is protein, carbohydrates, fats and water. Some mention fiber. A few go to the micronutrients of vitamins and minerals. You have to dig deep to get to fulvic minerals. And not one mentioned the 40,000 phytonutrients or enzymes.

So save yourself potentially decades of misery and ill health, get a copy of How To Live The Healthiest Life and read just a page a day. Everyone can find the time to read a page a day. Even if you are super busy, pick the least productive thing you do and swap it out for reading a page of my book. At that rate it will take you more than two years to get through it but it is one of the best investments you can make in your future health!

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