Who is Happy? The Peacock and The Crow

I read this little story on Facebook and wrote this comment. Read the story first then my comment. Hope you get soemthing from one of them!

While this is true, progress comes from constructive impatience with the way things are compared to how they could/should be.

Personal growth comes from closing the gap between where we are and our full potential.

No great person (by that I mean a person of great accomplishment) was ever satisfied to rest on their laurels.

Major changes for the better in society will only occur when we as individuals step up to the challenge of making them happen. Each day your actions, large and small, send out ripples in our mutual pond. Make your ripples count for the better!

Ignore your looks, they matter but little. It’s who you are that matters more. Look at Eleanor Roosevelt’s life as an example of that! (https://www.thoughtco.com/eleanor-roosevelt-1779802) Only yesterday I was reading a story of how much she was invalidated in her youth yet she was able to get the Universal Declaration of Huma Rights enacted. What a great accomplishment!

Currently solutions are being conceived and implemented for many of the things that are wrong with society. If you are not happy with some aspect of your personality, your actions or your results, create or forward a purpose in which you believe and this will make you feel a whole lot better about yourself and others!

To a happier you!

Who is Happy? The Peacock and The Crow

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