Some Data On Dr Wakefield


– So why does our media never report about the research that has been withheld from us?
– Why did Cochrane recently stand down a founder for publishing information about vaccine complications?
– Why do doctors in Australia tell me they face losing their licence just for speaking out?
– One doctor told me me she can no longer work as a “doctor” as she refuses to give vaccines, and does not wish to lose her licence ??
– Why did four Cochrane board members stand down in protest saying Cochrane is not being ethical and is bowing to corporate influence?
– Why did a top AUSTRALIAN University tenured endocrinologist say he believes vaccines are causative for Type ! Diabetes but that he can not speak out about it, OR he faces being treated like Wakefield? He says too many vaccines means the immune system is not allowed to grow strong, and so when the virus that triggers the autoimmune response that causes T1 diabetes comes along the body is too weak to fight it.
– Why is Dr Lisa Christian’s Flu Vaccine research backing up this theory not well know (she found that giving a flu vaccine weakens the clinical immune response the following year, and for years to come after the initial injection). -Ohio University Medical Centre
Are you aware that almost $4 Billion has been paid out in vaccine damages in the US via the vaccine court set up in. 1986?
– Did you know that after the vaccine manufacturers were given complete immunity from prosecution in 1986 for vaccine damage the Health & Human Services Department was tasked with doing vaccine safety research and providing this data to congress biannually?
– Did you know Robert Kennedy Jr was asked by the White House to investigate Vaccines and that he won a case against the HHS in a New York court three months ago proving that the HHS have fail to do any of the investigations they were mandated to do?
– Are you aware that the first ever Vaccine & Autoimmue disease text book has been published by university doctors in Israel? (Look up CMSRI – Children’s Medical Safety Research Inistute web site.)

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

The link contains a letter from the parents of the original survey done by Dr Wakefield that led to his unjust deregistration by the British General Medical Council. The hearing was condemned as unjust when Dr Wakefield’s study co-author, who was also deregistered, sued and won his suit.

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