HHS Vaccine Neglect

The HHS is: The Department of Health and Human Services of the US government, which has jurisdiction over public health, welfare, and civil rights issues and is the highest-level US government body with such jurisdiction.

35+ years ago when I was investigating the issue of vaccine safety for my children, one of the telling issues for me was the gross lack of transparency and obvious bias of the pro vaccine interests.

In all that time nothing has improved, it has only gotten worse.

Those who are supposed to be protecting the health, welfare and interests of we the people are instead serving vested interest groups.

It is imperative to your knowledge, wealth, health and well being that you do not blindly trust anyone, ever! Me included! Do your own homework and make up your own mind about things. What you are told on the evening TV is rarely true. Even if the stated facts are irrefutable, they are usually exaggerated, skewed and incomplete. Most often if you took the 180 degree opposite viewpoint you would be more right.HHS_Vaccine_Neglect

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