Gulf Of Mexico Dead Zone Largest Ever Measured

Gulf Of Mexico Dead Zone Largest Ever Measured
Erin Brokovich posted on Facebook:
I guess we do shit where we eat and drink… how many Community Drinking Water Systems rely on the Mississippi River? It’s not just the over application of fertilizers… what about the herbicides, pesticides, perfluorinated chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and hundreds of other “unregulated chemical compounds? You can’t treat for it… if you don’t test for it… but heck… it all gets flushed into the giant gulf toilet bowl. What is the “Cycle of Waste”?
The annual forecast, generated from a suite of NOAA-sponsored models, is based on nutrient runoff data from the U.S. Geological Survey. Both NOAA’s June forecast and the actual size show the role of Mississippi River nutrient runoff in determining the size of the dead zone.
This large dead zone size shows that nutrient pollution, primarily from agriculture and developed land runoff in the Mississippi River watershed is continuing to affect the nation’s coastal resources and habitats in the Gulf.
Tom’s two cents worth:
The story is getting worse. Time to correct it with MASSIVE action towards organic farming amd chemical free living. This cannot happen from the top as a PUSH action, it has to happen as a bottom up as a PULL action.
Enough people need to change our purchasing ways to encourage more organic, pesticide-free farming, more chemical- free cosmetics, less medication and drug use so we clean up our waste and water ways, our air and land!
We cannot trust the politicians or corporations to do it. As long as we demand cheap we will be given the cheapest which is often the most poisonous. Only by demand good will we get good.

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