A Vaccine Related Communication From A Reader of my Newsletter

Tom, You probably remember me from… …I read your weekly emails,some are very informative and certainly good advice for our health regimes. As a grandfather of 2 gorgeous girls I cringe when I read so much anti vaccination propaganda. One of the girls was recently diagnosed with measles,luckily it was an incorrect diagnoses proving to be an allergy related rash. When I researched the vaccination benefits the world has received over the years I must say that the anti vaccination lobby runs a huge risk by bringing a small sample of side effects as a reason not to vaccinate children against so many preventable diseases! Any person or group advising parents not to vaccinate their children runs a dangerous campaign which can have catastrophic affect on our young. Please spend more time researching your facts before risking the health of our next generation! https://ourworldindata.org/roush-and-murphy-2007-data/
I replied (plus a paragraph I added later):
Thanks for writing your kind words and expressing your concerns Malcolm!
I appreciate your civil and reasoned email although I am very surprised that after reading all my posts you still hold the view that vaccines do more good than harm. I thought I have provided more than enough evidence to at least put some doubt in the mind of even their staunchest advocates to justify their doing their own research and coming to the same conclusion I have.
As is the case with many things, if you research only one side of a story you will regard the other side as completely incorrect. For instance the link you provides makes no mention at all of the children killed or maimed as a result of the administration of vaccines so no valid comparison can be drawn as to relative merits. For instance if measles was truly responsible for 440 deaths per annum (from memory about .02% of the population) prior to the vaccine is that really worth consigning 2% (200 times as many) of the population to a life of autism?
I have observed the proponents of vaccines tell a very one sided story and downplay or invalidate the risks and tell blatant lies to promote the vaccines.
For instance vaccine proponents still say vaccines do no harm and do not cause autism despite the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program in the US having paid out 3.6 billion dollars as a result of vaccine injuries and several courts finding that vaccines DO cause autism.
The CDC’s own research showed a whopping increase in autism among African American boys after the vaccine! What&’s worse, they suppressed it for years! It only came out after a whistleblower spilled the beans.
So the vaccine proponents attempt to cover up the truth and blatantly lie. You have been lied to by those in authority so often you have taken it to be truth.
For the sake of your grand daughters (I have three grandchildren myself so I know how you feel) please get a hold of the video series The Truth About Vaccines and get truly informed by doctors, lawyers and parents who have had the integrity to honestly look past the propaganda and see the truth.
I will be very interested to hear your viewpoint after watching it. Please let me know.
If you do not want to watch it, recognise that your opinion is merely prejudice and belief in what you have been told rather than unbiased scientific inquiry.
Remember, every vaccine critic with an injured child was pro-vaccine before vaccines injured their child.
The reason I communicate what I have learned about vaccines is that I don’t want you to see the truth only as a result of a vaccine injury to one you love.
Their are far easier ways to learn the truth than through the pain of death or injury to one you love.
In conclusion let me say that despite my very strong position, I honestly and fervently believe the decision to vaccinate or not MUST be left up to the individual parent couple. Where there is risk there must be choice. And there is a risk in not vaccinating just as there is a risk in vaccinating. My reading and experience bringing up three unvaccinated children leads me to the conclusion that we made the better choice by focusing on using nutrition to build a healthy immune system rather than injecting a chemical toxin laden poisonous cocktail into their delicate young bodies.

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