A look behind the curtain of vaccine deception

Copied from Tony on www.WorldTruth.mx
Wondering how many parents walk around daily concerned about their child contracting leprosy? It still exists- by the thousands in various parts of the world. The United States has roughly 200 cases every year. Did you know that? I didn’t until I just looked it up.
Don’t you think it’s weird that there was hysteria over 140 measles cases (where no one died or was permanently harmed) and you hear exactly ZERO about 200 cases of leprosy? ? Everyone knows when there is a measles outbreak. It’s all over the local news here that there are THREE cases of chicken pox in LA (ahem, in vaccinated kids. Wink.) How do we not hear about these cases of leprosy? Why aren’t you walking around concerned about leprosy every day? Why aren’t you concerned about someone from another country bringing leprosy into the United States and somehow exposing all of our most vulnerable to this illness?
I’ll tell you why.
Because there’s no vaccine for leprosy.
You are afraid of what we vaccinate for because these illnesses are hyped up all of the time. It’s propaganda.
Measles is a concern for you because you are told that it should be. But you don’t walk around fearing leprosy. Your children haven’t contracted it either.
Funny how that all works, isn’t it?

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