Microbes Influence Food Choices

I recently listened to a very good sales pitch for a prebiotic formula. Prebiotics are those nutrients that feed the good bacteria in your intestinal system. Bottom line, it is not enough to take a probiotic, you also need to be feeding them the proper nutrients otherwise they will die off and you get no benefit from them.
Here’s some data from the video and other source:
You have both “Good” and “Bad” bacteria in your gut.
Antibiotics kill both bad AND good bacteria.
A single one week course of anitibiotics can disrupt your gut for 2 years!
One serving of Splenda was found to destroy 50% of your gut bacteria!
Your good gut bacteria crave healthy food and your bad gut bacteria love sugar and processed foods. They each survive better on a different diet. This is why after eating sweets and processed foods you crave more of them and find super healthy food distasteful. Andy why after 2-4 weeks on a really healthy diet, most people can more easily tolerate more healthy food and find highly sweet things distasteful.
Ghrelin is a hormone produced and released mainly by the stomach but also the small intestine, pancreas and brain. Ghrelin has numerous functions. It is termed the ‘hunger hormone’ because it stimulates appetite, increases food intake and promotes fat storage.
H. Pylori is a gut bacteria that regulates Grehlin.
Leptin (from Greek leptos, “thin”) is the “satiety hormone”, made by fat cells, helps regulate energy balance by inhibiting hunger. Leptin is opposed by the actions of the hormone grehlin.
Leptin normally kicks in 20 minutes after you start eating. Consume your meal in a hurry and your grehlin is still signalling “I’m hungry” as the Leptin has yet to kick in! So eat slowly and chew thoroughly!
Bifidobacteria is one of the best gut bacteria to boost the immune system.
Dr Kellman says, “If you get your gut biome right, you wil lose weight!”
Sooooo, cut the sugar and processed foods, eat a more natural diet and you will be supporting your gut biome and your future health.
To see how to do that quickly and easily, head on over to www.healthelicious.com.au and pick up a trial pack of bars and slices or a tub of NutriBlast.Microbes Influence Food Choies

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