The vaccination week (or a lot of it) in a single post

The line is continually repeated that vaccines are safe and effective. By the way, when di you first hear it? Who told it to you? Where was it?

Most doctors blindly support the recommendations of the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics. Doctors are trained in administering vaccines, not in how they are made. There are some doctors that choose to do the research themselves in order to develop an informed opinion on the subject. These doctors who become knowledgeable about vaccines usually become anti-vaccine. A little knowledge goes a long way.

Here is just a small sampling of what hit my lines just this week that should raise serious doubts in the mind of anyone interested in the truth.

1. Vaccines Are NOT Safe!

1a. The charge made by community health activists against BMGF (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) and GAVI (which has members from pharma companies on its board) is that they are working with WHO and UNICEF to promote vaccine use among the poorer countries; in populations that typically wouldn’t be able to afford them. Some commentators are referring to the incident as “fraud” perpetrated on third world where the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and their “vaccine empire are under fire”.

They are not safe, there is a vaccine autism link.

1b. Vaccine – Autsim Link Explained

More references (many) on the suject:

1c. Volunteer for Pro-SB277 Senator Hospitalized After Vaccine

1d. They cause liver disease

HepB Vaccine Causes Liver Disease: Science Shows How

1e. A Sergeant of Police Speaks Out on Vaccinations Causing Harm

1f. Autism Rates Explode In Asia After Introducing Western Vaccines

1g. Why The Japanese Banned The MMR Vaccine (A bonus inclusion from posts seen last week)

Japan stopped giving the MMR vaccine in 1993 due to health concerns following four-year trials of the vaccine.

The government health chief claimed that record numbers of children had developed non-viral meningitis and other adverse reactions following the triple jab in the early nineties, leading to the vaccine being completely banned in Japan.

1h. (Second bonus – the guy who found the link between vaccines and autism)


2. Vaccines Are NOT Effective – They Do NOT Confer Immunity

2a. Merck Researcher Admits: Gardasil Guards Against Almost Nothing

2b. Pertussis Vaccine Causes Pertussis. So We Recommend…More Vaccines?

“It means that vaccinations are spreading whooping cough and the solution for this issue is recommending MORE vaccinations. The clear results of the test are right in front of our faces, yet, big pharmaceutical companies can’t step away from the revenue machine for even one second. Incredible to say the least.”

2c. Smoke, Mirrors, and the ‘Disappearance’ Of Polio

2d. Merck Has Some Explaining To Do Over Its MMR Vaccine Claims

The first court case, United States v. Merck & Co., stems from claims by two former Merck scientists that Merck “fraudulently misled the government and omitted, concealed, and adulterated material information regarding the efficacy of its mumps vaccine in violation of the FCA [False Claims Act].”

2e. USA Has First Death From Measles In Over A Decade

Never mind that she was vaccinated against measles, actually died from pneumonia and was on immune suppressing medication. Blame it on the measles because that forwards “the agenda”.

3. Vaccinations are based on a Massive Fraud

Imagine If Trees Gave WIFI

Is Big Pharma Addicted to Fraud?

Did you hear that old joke:

How can you tell a politician is lying?

When his lips are moving.

Doesn’t apply to drug companies of course.

Recent news out of China raises the question once again of whether any aspect of the pharmaceutical business can be trusted.

First, Chinese authorities announced they were investigating GlaxoSmithKline GSK +0.28% and other pharma companies for bribing doctors, hospitals and government officials to buy and prescribe their drugs. Glaxo is accused of using a Shanghai travel agency to funnel at least $489 million in bribes…

…Last year Glaxo paid $3 billion to resolve civil and criminal allegations of, among other things, marketing widely used prescription drugs for unapproved treatments and using kickbacks to promote sales…

…Glaxo is a leader in pharma fraud and wrongdoing, with other industry heavyweights close behind. Over the past decade, whistleblowers and government investigations in the US have exposed a never-ending series of problems by numerous pharma companies in all facets of the industry, starting with fraudulent “research” papers used to bolster marketing and continuing through to the manufacture of contaminated and defective products, the marketing of drugs for unapproved and life-threatening uses and the mispricing of prescription drugs…

…pharma, which has paid more than $30.2 billion in civil and criminal penalties to the US and state governments and continues to face more allegations of wrongdoing.

Big pharma’s woes in China underscore that the industry – despite huge penalties and a long string of public mea culpas – has a fraud habit that is just too profitable to kick. Finding a cure should be a top priority of regulators worldwide.

How A Nazi Mass Murderer Became Executive For Vaccines In America

The $ Amount It Took Big Pharma To Strip Your Parental Rights, is Evil.

Big Pharma Paid $3M to to Campaign Funds of California Legislators to Mandate Vaccines

Fraudulent Big Pharma science leads to half a million psych drug deaths every year

Psychiatric drugs kill an estimated 500,000 people per year, looking only at people over age 65 living in Western countries, according to an analysis conducted by a world-renowned Danish researcher.

And if bribery and intimidation don’t work – take ’em out!

3 Alternative Health Doctors Found Dead In the Last 2 Weeks After Run-Ins With The Feds

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