George Washington Quote

We should never despair, our Situation before has been unpromising and has changed for the better, so I trust, it will again. If new difficulties arise, we must only put forth New Exertions and proportion our Efforts to the exigency of the times. – George Washington (1777)

Human Rights Video #22: Social Security

One of my principle concerns with the current scene is the rapidly escalating speed with which human rights are being trampled.

The UK just passed a 350+ page bill that gives the government unfettered, tyrannical powers.

The USA and Australia are undertaking similarly ill advised actions.

This trend needs to be reversed. The entrance point is educating people that they do have rights.

Watch the video and if you think so too, please share it!

Human Rights Video #21: Right to Democracy

One of my principle concerns with the current scene is the rapidly escalating speed with which human rights are being trampled.

The UK just passed a 350+ page bill that gives the government unfettered, tyrannical powers.

The USA and Australia are undertaking similarly ill advised actions.

This trend needs to be reversed. The entrance point is educating people that they do have rights.

Watch the video and if you think so too, please share it!

What Is In Vaccines?

What Is In Vaccines?

My first reaction was grief over the tragic loss of this baby’s life. The second is the desire to let everyone know what they are putting in vaccines, or, perhaps more correctly, in what they are growing vaccine ingredients – aborted human fetal cells.

Don’t even THINK about putting this baby’s aborted fetal cells in MY body!

I decline to be part of your grossly inhumane corruption of my natural immune system!


All anybody needs to know about prizes is that Mozart never won one. – Henry Mitchell

Human Rights Video #20: Right to Assembly

One of my principle concerns with the current scene is the rapidly escalating speed with which human rights are being trampled.

The UK just passed a 350+ page bill that gives the government unfettered, tyrannical powers.

The USA and Australia are undertaking similarly ill advised actions.

This trend needs to be reversed. The entrance point is educating people that they do have rights.

Watch the video and if you think so too, please share it!

CDC Paid Maryland $123 Million to Promote Gardasil Vaccine as Requirement for School Attendance

Maryland public health bureaucrats have no scientific rationale for this illogical, dangerous program. There are 250 cases of cervical cancer in our state per year, with about 60 deaths. Injecting 1.5 million young people between the ages of 9 and 29 with two doses of this shot will not change anything with regards to cervical cancer prevalence in Maryland. It will, however, provide a $750 million gravy train to Merck, the department of health, and pediatric practices in our state.

HPV vaccine increases the risk of cervical cancer.

A flawless study was retracted because the Swedish scientists was too scared to use his own name to publish the study.

Below is also a article made by a French oncologist, surgeon that shows the increase of cervical cancer after the HPV vaccine. “Evidence that vaccination increases the risk of invasive cancer can be rapid, if the vaccine changes the natural history of cancer by accelerating it. The analysis of trends in the incidence of invasive cervical cancer published in official statistics (registers) was studied in the first and most fully vaccinated countries (Australia, Great Britain, Sweden and Norway). Unfortunately, it’s the case for HPV vaccines.”

Cervical cancers after human papillomavirus vaccination?

USA Health researchers studying HPV vaccination rates in Alabama have made a surprising discovery: Counties with higher rates of HPV-related cancers also showed higher HPV vaccination rates, according to research presented at the Society of Gynecologic Oncology’s Annual Meeting on Women’s Cancer.
“It was exactly the opposite of what we expected,” said Dr. Jennifer Young Pierce, who heads Cancer Control and Prevention at USA Health Mitchell Cancer Institute. “We found that the higher the rate of cancer in the county, the higher the rate of vaccination.”