The Less Educated, The More ProVax

One of my friends, David Mayo, reports after reading ‘Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies’: The book is interesting in that is composed of peer reviewed studies arranged by topic. His words on page 294 “Education level of Non-Vaccinating Parents” The studies in this chapter confirm that parents who don’t vaccinate their children are highly educated,value scientific knowledge and are sophisticated at researching vaccines. Mothers with college degrees are the most likely to refuse vaccines for their children. Mothers who never graduated from high school are the most likely to fully vaccinate their children. The chapter then follows with eight peer reviewed studies with subjects relating to that.

Milkweed, only food source for monarch caterpillars, ubiquitously contaminated


(Tom: This is tragic. Please support any petition or other attempt to curb the use of pesticieds and eschew their use yourself. Investigate companion planting and other means of more sustainable agriculture.)

New evidence identifies 64 pesticide residues in milkweed, the main food for monarch butterflies in the west. Milkweed samples from all of the locations studied in California’s Central Valley were contaminated with pesticides, sometimes at levels harmful to monarchs and other insects.

The study raises alarms for remaining western monarchs, a population already at a precariously small size. Over the last few decades their overwintering numbers have plummeted to less than 1% of the population size than in the 1980s – which is a critically low level.

Monarch toxicity data is only available for four of the 64 pesticides found, and even with this limited data, 32% of the samples contained pesticide levels known to be lethal to monarchs, according to a study released today in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.

Human Rights Video #24: Right to Play

The lack of peace in certain regions is proof positive that these principles are actually valid and needed, more than ever. Please promote the Youth for Human Rights videos so more people are aware of and insist upon their rights so that we can live in a peaceful society.

Watch the video and if you think so too, please share it!

The Immune Defense Summit

Starts today!

These are the experts you definitely DO NOT want to miss on Monday!

  • Dr. Richard Cheng, Successful COVID-19 Therapy
  • Ty Bollinger, Avoiding Cancer Cell Growth
  • Niki Gratrix, Link Between Emotions and Disease
  • Dr. David Minkoff, Overcoming Lyme Disease and Co-Infections
  • Dr. Thomas Lewis, Testing Your Immune Strength
  • Dr. Izabella Wentz, Thyroid Disorders and Immune Health

When you register now, you’ll also unlock these complimentary gifts:

  • Slash Your Risk of Chronic Disease and Infections eGuide
  • The Coronavirus Story: What the Media Isn’t Telling You eBook
  • The Ancient Answer for Liver Ailments eBook
  • 2 transcripts from The Immune Defense Summit
  • Access to COVID-19 Viral Defense Protocol presentation with Dr. Thomas E. Levy

Flu Shots Increase Risk 500% of Acute Respiratory Infection

(Tom: It does not take a PhD in medicine to feel disinclined to get a flu shot when they increase your risk of getting severely ill from COVID-19 by 500%! This from the British Medical Journal.)


Rapid Response:

Flu shots and the risk of coronavirus infections

John Watkins is right; we need to think beyond containment, but he overlooks the possibility that seasonal flu shots are potential contributors to the current outbreak. (BMJ 2020;398:m810—February 28)….A randomized placebo-controlled trial in children showed that flu shots increased fivefold the risk of acute respiratory infections caused by a group of noninfluenza viruses, including coronaviruses. (Cowling et al, Clin Infect Dis 2012;54:1778) From Table 3, vaccine recipients had 20 noninfluenza virus-positive ARIs and 19 virus-negative ARIs; non-recipients had 3 noninfluenza virus-positive ARIs and 14 virus-negative ARIs. These figures yield an odds ratio of 4.91 (CI 1.04 to8.14).

Such an observation may seem counterintuitive, but it is possible that influenza vaccines alter our immune systems non-specifically to increase susceptibility to other infections; this has been observed with DTP and other vaccines. (Benn et al, Trends in Immunology, May 2013) There are other immune mechanisms that might also explain the observation.

To investigate this possibility, a case-control study is in order as we study and care for the victims of covid-19. Influenza vaccines have become sacred cows in some quarters, but they shouldn’t be.


Written by Julia Tanno

Other than a few shout outs to the Libertarian Party, a party that has never had a viable candidate, I have never publicly endorsed any political party or candidate. I probably never will. I think some candidates are better than others but I do not support either party, I support the country. I want our country to be well and to continue to exist. I support whoever I think will do the best job caring for our country.

Before George Washington’s death, he was very upset that the country split into two political parties. His concerns were justified.

When I was young, after a political campaign was over, both sides shook hands, put their difference aside, and did their jobs for the sake of this great country. They may have not chosen the man in office but they cared about the country enough to be decent citizens and support our nation and its leaders.

Life is as good as it has ever been for humanity right now. Despite all the things that go wrong at times, this is still the best it has ever been for our species as a whole.

We have laws that protect everyone. That area still needs some work. We have culture, medicine, roads, communications, education. And oh my god, the food and beverage. There have been kings of past ages that did not live as well as you and me. Things are still settling down after thousands of years of horrible conditions and oppression, but we are evolving as a race.

We are the guardians of the birth of a Golden Age for humanity. Study history if you do not believe me.

A couple years ago a news show anchorman said he did not mind seeing the economy tank if that would get Trump out of office.

A friend of mine repeated these same words to me.

I was so shocked that someone could have so much animosity towards someone that they would want a whole country to fail.

I have a character flaw. I am the, “I told you so” type.

About six weeks ago, I told this person, “You got your wish.

The economy is getting destroyed.”

Of course, he said, “You misunderstood me.”

I did not.

No rational person would burn down their own house because someone in the family made them mad.

But there are people trying to destroy this country to get back at the Trump Administration. I am not sure which of the recent events just happened and which were arranged to cause chaos and destruction. The person holding the kerosene and matches probably should not bitch that the house burnt down.

After many days of studying patents and scientific papers, I have had a lot of time on my hands lately, I can come to no other conclusion than the COVID thing was a manmade virus, intentionally or accidentally released on the public. The recent arrested of certain virologists makes me think it was intentionally released.

There were blatant terror tactics against the American people and such a confusing disinformation campaign that normally intelligent and rational people could not even think straight.

There were a few other things tossed in like TP shortages, Killer Hornets, Meat Shortages, UFO footage released, and then the protest and riots. And the year the impeachment thing. All these things destabilize our country.

All I can say is trying to destroy a nation is an act of treason.

Trying to destroy America to get back at a temporary employee is insanity.
Please let’s help the country heal. Your future depends on this country being strange and healthy. Even if you hate the President support the country. It is where most of us live.

Julia Tanno – May 7, 2020 – You may repost