The Purpose Of War

The Purpose Of War
This quote is not in the book 1984. It is a quote from the movie Fahrenheit 911 by Michael Moore. It does sum up the ideas from Orwell’s 1984 book, but the quote isn’t in the book.

Selected Causes Of Death

Selected Causes Of Death
Are we buying a lot of hype of terrorism just so someone else can curtail our liberties?
Oh, and by the way, that getting out of bed caper is deadly! 🙂

How To Handle DTP Deaths

How To Handle DTP Deaths
One really does need to have a high confront of evil when looking, otherwise it is too easy to disbelieve the horrific truths one finds.
“When too many babies in Tennessee were dying from SIDS after receiving vaccines from a particular lot of DTP vaccines, what did the vaccine manufacturer do? Did they pull the vaccines? NO. They split them up, sending only a limited amount to any particular geographic region, so the deaths would not be so tightly clustered and could be written off as ‘coincidence’.”- Marcella Piper-Terry

Bring Back The Fat

More people with low cholesterol than high die from hear attacks in their later years. A UK based heart surgeon investigated why people on zero cholesterol diets after he operated came back a few short years later with blocked arteries. He found INFLAMMATION was the culprit, NOT cholesterol. Cut the sugar and highly processed carbs to reduce your inflammation levels.
Statin drugs are a scam!
Here’s some truth from a blog post I saw:
“Often, the biggest fear associated with saturated fat is…cholesterol.
“But, this is only because we have been taught to fear this life-giving substance. Not only is cholesterol NOT the bad guy, it is actually the good guy.
“If we DO have inflammation from a Western style diet, our cholesterol is likely to rise. Why? It is trying to heal the damage!
“So what happens when we take that cholesterol away? We take away the ONLY protection we did have from developing heart disease.
“How ironic is that!?
“This is why it is extremely common that when someone is ‘identified’ as high risk, for example, if they have high cholesterol, and they are put on a low-fat, high carb diet combined with cholesterol-lowering medication, the result is often a massive coronary.
“Taking the cholesterol away means we can’t heal the inflammation, the low-fat diet causes more inflammation and more calcification of the arteries…and, one of the side effects of cholesterol-lowering meds is…..atherosclerosis! In fact, they increase the risk of atherosclerosis by 3!
“This is why you can even read on the packet of some of these drugs “Not approved to prevent heart disease, heart attacks, or strokes.” What they are proven to do is lower cholesterol…that’s it.
“So, instead of preventing heart disease, that little prescription of the diet plus the drugs brings heart disease on…full force.
“I have been feasting on saturated fat for 14 years, and my cholesterol is currently ‘normal.’ As I get older, do I want it to stay that way? Absolutely not. There will be more to heal. I want to see my cholesterol go up with my age. And, every time I get an injury, or a cold, my cholesterol will go up accordingly and then drop back down again. Which is why it is a bit nonsensical for doctors to base their ‘treatment’ on one cholesterol test. Our cholesterol can vary day to day, depending on what it needs to heal.
“Just one more reason to bring back the fat!”Bring Back The Fat